I want to say it's a return to form for the franchise, but I've liked pretty much every single 2D Metroid so it wouldn't be a completely accurate statement. Instead, I view it as MercurySteam applying what they learned while making Samus Returns and Mirror of Fate (which I've only played a little of) to create a truly fantastic Metroid experience. Samus controls like a dream, the boss fights are challenging but never brutal, and the Metroidvania of it all is great. If I have to criticize something, it'd be the visuals and the music, both of which I found kind of underwhelming. Other than that, this is really great. I'm really happy with the direction Metroid seems to be heading in.

Some of the things you have to do with the Speed Booster ability in order to get collectibles almost made me dock half a star, though.

Reviewed on Oct 15, 2021
