Not even going to pretend for a second that I can have a remotely unbiased take on this game. I fucking love Final Fantasy XIII. Some of it is because of nostalgia, but what this replay made me realize is that a lot of it is because it's a great fucking game. the story (which isn't complicated at all and doesn't require you to even touch the datalog btw) is great, the cast is really strong (including Hope, who's unlikable but not a bad character by any means), the music is absolutely wonderful, and the combat system is one of the best in the franchise. I will concede that yes, you do "run in a straight line" for most of the game, but I honestly can't say it bothers me, especially when the rest of the game is THIS good. It's hard for me to care about any of that when the sound of Leona Lewis humming elicits the emotions it does in me.

Final Fantasy XIII isn't my favorite Final Fantasy game nor is it the best one in the franchise, but it's the one I love the most. If that doesn't make any sense, so be it.

Reviewed on Jul 29, 2023
