Log Status






Time Played

7h 30m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

February 24, 2023

First played

February 23, 2023

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


Not the game which you will count ever as your favotite, but memorable enough modern consol-ish FPS title. While being not a "classic" shooter, or, for example, Serious Sam clone, like Painkiller, it still speedy and action driven.
The game also have pretty visuals for UE3 engine. If you love visual style and apperance of Starcraft 2, this game is right in the same valley.
Narrative is not deep or too serious, characters are comical, but I would've not described it as "random". It just don't go deep into universe, giving lots of stuff to your imagination. But what there is there. While being full of dity jokes, I not find it cringe or offensive, unlike some other titles.
My only complains would be about only 3 weapon slots (4th one for heavier stuff would've been a nice addition), sometimes repeative enemies, maybe too much limits on character movement. However, game defenetly has its moments. In general, I had fun and maybe will replay one day edition ported to UE4. Or sequel, if it will be made in future.