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1 day

Last played

December 8, 2022

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This game was on the edge between old more arcady shooters and more modern Call of Duty type things, this why experience of playing it for the first time in 2022 was a bit weird one. Like, on one hand, for me personally, it did felt late later, more new WW2 fps game, being using idtech3 engine and all that advanced stuff with comrades and attempts at grounded designs and realistic approach. However, other mechanics more arcady, some elements and scripts which we expecting as given from Call of Duty 1-2 here are more raw and primitive.

I can only imagine how memorable this game was back in the day, being, sort of the first of its kind with this Normandy landing, street fighting in northen french towns and so on. However, nowadays, it may be a bit bleak and simple compared to games which followed it, same as some of its raw mechanics, like forever mentioned sniper mission, may feel dated.

My favorite mission was in night winter french town stealth section, there it worked really well, sad, that there are not that much of memorable places like that.

Liked nods to the original PS1 games, however, despite having similar mission structure, over dramatic animations of enemies etc. for me that game not felt quite like the PS1 ones. Still, if you enjoy FPS games from the era, like RTCW, give it a shot.