Short, but still good add-on for HL1. Can't really describe it as a standalone thing, and it may feel disappointing after Opposing Force, but as an additional bonus to the original game - it is fun, especially for GoldSrc engine fans!

Really nice game developed by Snowblind Studio. Not very long, and not very complex - original target resolution and controls forced it to be what it is, unlike some later more complicated PC diablo-like games. However, effects, animations, and visuals are totally awesome for the release date. This game truly has shown the power of the sixth generation of consoles and was truly ahead of its time in this regard.

Not very long, but indeed a sweet FPS game. This was the first game by famous Insomniac and the start of their partnership with Sony. More on the linear side, levels looking really nice and unique, so it not gets boring visually, as a lot of FPS games from the era do. Definitely a more enjoyable experience on PS1 than terrible ports of Dark Forces or Duke Nukem 3d. The game also has cheezy FMV cutscenes and simple character abilities system, which is still, utilized in gameplay. Old chunky controls aimed to fit the original pre-analog PS1 controller may scare people who do not get used to "Traktor" control schemes.

A very, very unfinished game. Crusaders on PC were done by the remnants of Cyclon studios inside crumbling 3DO with a tight budget, no motivation and no time to finish the project. While engine and ideas, 3d models, and some elements are promising, this game is laughably raw. Don't waste your time if you want fun action-adventure, you'll end up killing the same enemies on the same three unfinished locations. Game connection to the main MM series is almost non-existent.

Interplay decided again to use a stolen engine from Snowball, creators of Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance, and adopt yet another "popular isometric RPG franchise" into diablo clone adoption. While it has its interesting moments, and also some minor improvements over the original Dark Alliance, it in general very meh game at best, made on a very limited budget. A true peak of creative crisis of "old" fallout which led to its ultimate destruction and death of Interplay. Honestly, they deserved it. Even if this game was ideally made, it'd get 4-4.5 at max. But with this simple yet crappy combat, issues with assets and levels score of 1.5 stars would be honest. Technically, it is playable tho, it is not one of those "unplayable" games.

It is very difficult to actually give this a score, it is a mixed bag of things. This addon was made by Xatrix. Already not "Redneck Rampage" Xatrix, but not yet RTCW Xatrix. Not too long, it is a decent size for expansion, and in general in terms of level design and gameplay it only a little bit below Quake 2. On one hand, it was made after, there a number of places where I liked detail and ideas a bit more than in original, on other hand, it rawer and less professional than id did it. The same goes with new enemy types, which are "same dudes but with new texture and more powerful". They are more powerful indeed, add-on is noticeably harder than the original game. Also, new weapons look a bit off with their much more high res textures. Overall, will be pretty decent experience for Quake II fans, just be prepared for some S-E-W-E-R level experience!

Finished on PC, using a controller in coop mode. It is a very mediocre game - short, simple structured semi looking levels with obvious arenas. Enemies are bullet sponges and poorly reacting on hits. Not to mention that some elements are poorly balanced, like one-hit enemies with explosive bolts which stick to you. It feels like the bare bones of the game, which initially was a UE3 engine showcase and not much more. In addition to that, we encountered many collision and AI bugs. I guess the game gets such popularity because of graphics and visuals for being one of the most earlier Xbox360 games which showcased its power, but it is not aged well as a game in my opinion. It is playable and okay to waste time, but don't try to find there something special.

Very interesting action-adventure game. Inspired by Tomb Raider, it goes way beyond that, incorporating minor RPG elements and vast open levels with exploration. It contains both very advanced physics for the time and a nice feature of a dragon companion, which you can ride and fly. Stroy is not very deep, but the visuals and atmosphere is charming. The game is not without its flaws, particularly in the randomness of combat, but it is not broken, bugged, or impossible.

Not a bad mission pack. People say it is kind of boring, but I guess because they immideatly jump into it after the base game. I think that in some places this actually more interesting, than the main game. More little details, more actual attempts to play with level geometry, make interesting places. This is still a bit shy attempts compare to later fan made levels or even games like Hexen2, but still a move forward. What this mission pack laks I guess is maybe a bit more custom textures and models to be more memorable and highlight leveldesign attempts.

This game was on the edge between old more arcady shooters and more modern Call of Duty type things, this why experience of playing it for the first time in 2022 was a bit weird one. Like, on one hand, for me personally, it did felt late later, more new WW2 fps game, being using idtech3 engine and all that advanced stuff with comrades and attempts at grounded designs and realistic approach. However, other mechanics more arcady, some elements and scripts which we expecting as given from Call of Duty 1-2 here are more raw and primitive.

I can only imagine how memorable this game was back in the day, being, sort of the first of its kind with this Normandy landing, street fighting in northen french towns and so on. However, nowadays, it may be a bit bleak and simple compared to games which followed it, same as some of its raw mechanics, like forever mentioned sniper mission, may feel dated.

My favorite mission was in night winter french town stealth section, there it worked really well, sad, that there are not that much of memorable places like that.

Liked nods to the original PS1 games, however, despite having similar mission structure, over dramatic animations of enemies etc. for me that game not felt quite like the PS1 ones. Still, if you enjoy FPS games from the era, like RTCW, give it a shot.

Played both on PS2 and PC. At the time of this review being done, backloggd has no PC version listed as optional, but better play this on PC rather on console.

Anyway, this game is sadly VERY unfinished. Not much I can say about it besides it being very promesing thing, in which a lot of work was put into, however, the result is sub-optimal. It is clear that entire game concept, cutscenes, game elements were removed. Lots of things were not polished or finished. Starting this game do not expect some hidden gem, rather than beyond mediocre eurojank FPS with some raw corners and truley bad moments.

While this game potentially is more advanced and in theory was planned to be much better than "Chaser" by same studio, "Chaser" is at least finished product while this is not. Play only if you are curious for such content.

Not the game which you will count ever as your favotite, but memorable enough modern consol-ish FPS title. While being not a "classic" shooter, or, for example, Serious Sam clone, like Painkiller, it still speedy and action driven.
The game also have pretty visuals for UE3 engine. If you love visual style and apperance of Starcraft 2, this game is right in the same valley.
Narrative is not deep or too serious, characters are comical, but I would've not described it as "random". It just don't go deep into universe, giving lots of stuff to your imagination. But what there is there. While being full of dity jokes, I not find it cringe or offensive, unlike some other titles.
My only complains would be about only 3 weapon slots (4th one for heavier stuff would've been a nice addition), sometimes repeative enemies, maybe too much limits on character movement. However, game defenetly has its moments. In general, I had fun and maybe will replay one day edition ported to UE4. Or sequel, if it will be made in future.

Quite a shallow experience to say the least. All interesting bits for engaging open world are here - story, freedom of travel, side quests, items, however everything feels so empty and forgettable. Game have quite a big detailed map, but travel across it mostly feels like travel on foot in TES2 Daggerfall.
Encounters and enemies are repeative, same as tasks for the player. On top of that, cooperative expeirience is broken, with 2nd player attached like some bot for the host. Feels like half-baked mod, however playing solo in FarCry 5 is quite boring.

Star in the crown of classic CRPGs. A genre, which, is perhaps, forgotten nowadays. World of Xeen is a combination of Might and Magic IV and V entries in the series into one giant game. In CD version - with full voice acting. This game will be the last "classic" Might and Magic game before series moved towards other directions.

For those who don't familiar with subgenre - it will be very hard to describe what it is, sadly, all I can tell are things from conext of the time when it was made. And at the time, game had wonderful visuals, with colorful maps and covers, made by Mike Winterbauer, lots of awesome in-game art (especially in the dark side), lots of colorful and varied places with lots of fully animated NPCs. This game has user friendly fully mouse driven graphical interface, awesome for the time voiced cutscenes. While combat-action driven, the game has no "grind" in classical RPG sence of this word - all monsters are hand placed and gone once you killed them, this is not infinity encounter-based grinder like older CRPGs (including Might and Magic 1-2) or JRPGs. Same time as being fully open world, as you can explore anything on both sides of world of xeen from the start.

Game made on Might and Magic 3 engine, but makes a number of incremental improvements to anything, in particular, to difficulty curve - starting cloud side of xeen is most easy and accesable from all classic Might and Magic series. Some remnants of old engine still present, however - inventory is still pure text and tiny icons in list. There are no mouse drag and drop for items or character paper dolls, like in some other CRPGs of the time, Dungeon Master clones such as Eye of the Beholder and Dungeon Hack in particular. Same as you need to learn item stats in shops, for a price. However, this is not hard to memorize as its have fixed base set of weapons and armor + modifiers. This is probably the only major complaint for this game from me.

WoX, combined version of the game also have additional content and concludes story of all 5 previous games to the end. But don't worry, since Might and Magic 6 linked Heores series and old MM series, their foundations of the universe will continue to evolve beyond Xeen. If you like classic dungeoncrawlers, or a novice for the genre and want to start your turn-based action-driven adventure in VGA 256 color world of xeen - good luck, I hope you will love it!

Game, including CD version can be played vide ScummVM, modern engine port, natively. Sadly at the date of this review made it does not supports Mac version, that one had higer resolution and had more portraits, but anyway, it is not much different.

Probably, one of the most important videogames in the history of mankind on multiple levels. The core idea of combining the style and narrative of Ultima 6 with concepts from Duneon Master clones but in higly advanced full 3d engine was revolutionary. This game, being in development since 1990 to 1992 inspired id Software to make their first person games, same as mix of genres in this title created famous "immersive sim" philosophy. And directly, this game engine was used by the team to create such famous titles as Ultima Underworld 2 and System Shock. In retrospective, UU1 was that milestone which over time killed traditional 2d first person RPG games and changed the direction of CRPG genre as a whole.

For new players, I'd say, this is the title which is still worth to be played as it is. Interconnected dungeon world of the game is an interesting place to explore, with lots of foes, friends, puzzles, dialogues, npcs and secrets. Probably, you will be confused by interface, resolution and controls, however, I must say that control scheme plays major part in immersive and survival elements of the gameplay: complications of action and movement gives freedom of item and NPC interation beyond what games with mouselook can offer. And managing your food, bags and boxes in inventory, sources of light are important part of the overall experience. Despite the low resolution, render of the game and objects in it are stylized the way that everything is clearly visible without pixel hunt. Dithering for light effects perfectly blends flat shaded 3d models with sprites and eviromets.

Hapy dungeoneering!