Very interesting action-adventure game. Inspired by Tomb Raider, it goes way beyond that, incorporating minor RPG elements and vast open levels with exploration. It contains both very advanced physics for the time and a nice feature of a dragon companion, which you can ride and fly. Stroy is not very deep, but the visuals and atmosphere is charming. The game is not without its flaws, particularly in the randomness of combat, but it is not broken, bugged, or impossible.

Finished on PC, using a controller in coop mode. It is a very mediocre game - short, simple structured semi looking levels with obvious arenas. Enemies are bullet sponges and poorly reacting on hits. Not to mention that some elements are poorly balanced, like one-hit enemies with explosive bolts which stick to you. It feels like the bare bones of the game, which initially was a UE3 engine showcase and not much more. In addition to that, we encountered many collision and AI bugs. I guess the game gets such popularity because of graphics and visuals for being one of the most earlier Xbox360 games which showcased its power, but it is not aged well as a game in my opinion. It is playable and okay to waste time, but don't try to find there something special.

It is very difficult to actually give this a score, it is a mixed bag of things. This addon was made by Xatrix. Already not "Redneck Rampage" Xatrix, but not yet RTCW Xatrix. Not too long, it is a decent size for expansion, and in general in terms of level design and gameplay it only a little bit below Quake 2. On one hand, it was made after, there a number of places where I liked detail and ideas a bit more than in original, on other hand, it rawer and less professional than id did it. The same goes with new enemy types, which are "same dudes but with new texture and more powerful". They are more powerful indeed, add-on is noticeably harder than the original game. Also, new weapons look a bit off with their much more high res textures. Overall, will be pretty decent experience for Quake II fans, just be prepared for some S-E-W-E-R level experience!

Interplay decided again to use a stolen engine from Snowball, creators of Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance, and adopt yet another "popular isometric RPG franchise" into diablo clone adoption. While it has its interesting moments, and also some minor improvements over the original Dark Alliance, it in general very meh game at best, made on a very limited budget. A true peak of creative crisis of "old" fallout which led to its ultimate destruction and death of Interplay. Honestly, they deserved it. Even if this game was ideally made, it'd get 4-4.5 at max. But with this simple yet crappy combat, issues with assets and levels score of 1.5 stars would be honest. Technically, it is playable tho, it is not one of those "unplayable" games.

A very, very unfinished game. Crusaders on PC were done by the remnants of Cyclon studios inside crumbling 3DO with a tight budget, no motivation and no time to finish the project. While engine and ideas, 3d models, and some elements are promising, this game is laughably raw. Don't waste your time if you want fun action-adventure, you'll end up killing the same enemies on the same three unfinished locations. Game connection to the main MM series is almost non-existent.

Not very long, but indeed a sweet FPS game. This was the first game by famous Insomniac and the start of their partnership with Sony. More on the linear side, levels looking really nice and unique, so it not gets boring visually, as a lot of FPS games from the era do. Definitely a more enjoyable experience on PS1 than terrible ports of Dark Forces or Duke Nukem 3d. The game also has cheezy FMV cutscenes and simple character abilities system, which is still, utilized in gameplay. Old chunky controls aimed to fit the original pre-analog PS1 controller may scare people who do not get used to "Traktor" control schemes.

Really nice game developed by Snowblind Studio. Not very long, and not very complex - original target resolution and controls forced it to be what it is, unlike some later more complicated PC diablo-like games. However, effects, animations, and visuals are totally awesome for the release date. This game truly has shown the power of the sixth generation of consoles and was truly ahead of its time in this regard.

Short, but still good add-on for HL1. Can't really describe it as a standalone thing, and it may feel disappointing after Opposing Force, but as an additional bonus to the original game - it is fun, especially for GoldSrc engine fans!