Oh my god, this game feels like an abusive relationship. You're pining for those really high highs that are possible and are willing to trudge through hours of getting your shit pushed in for mistakes that have to be measured in milliseconds or because the level generation becomes needlessly cruel for a little while (I had Tiki traps block exits and an Ice level with no bombs where I had to use UFOs to create holes, borderline impossible spike jumps, etc.).

When I started playing this in the winter of last year I thought:
"I've seen hundreds of videos about this game, know on paper about every enemy, item and area and even some 'exploits', like breaking the Moai or getting the Kapala refilled by Mummy vomit. How hard can this be?"


Sometimes while playing I wished I could do violence upon the developer (Derek Yu, you seem like a really laid-back dude, but dear god this game)

What really makes this game however are the graphics, the music and the general atmosphere. The soundtrack by Eirik Suhrke is incredibly memorable, the artstyle although noticeably not high-res enough for 1080p is really endearing, and I'm a sucker for settings where you get a smorgasbord of cultural allusions (Egyptian & Hindu mythology, cryptids, Olmec, and so on).

Author's note: I haven't been to hell yet, beaten the Black Knight or the Alien Queen, but my opinion will probably stay the same, even if I do those things.

Reviewed on Apr 10, 2022


1 year ago

Great review! If you haven’t yet please play the 2nd. It takes the basics from the first, smooths it out, then perfects it. It’s fantastic.

1 year ago

I've played the 2nd at a friend's place in Coop. I don't know what it is, but something about rubs me the wrong way. It's like Blue Ketchup, all the parts I know are there, but change one trivial part of it, and it feels off. I'll probably one day get around to playing it for real, but the first impression wasn't the strongest.