5 reviews liked by Kiirabu197

Dueling is actually doable and really fun, albeit mostly really easy, on the Wii this time. Making potions is really entertaining and even... exciting? Wasn't expecting that. Hogwarts is okay, but not better than the OotP Hogwarts. The camera behaves weird, not bad, but different. Last time the exploring was perfect. The sprinting looks hilarious, but it saves you a lot of time. Overall, short game, inoffensive, by this point the HP games are just cash-grabs with almost no value other than providing some consumer-completist thrills for us fanatics.

A Mega Man clone with cute anime girls. The power-ups work more or less like Cave Story and it has good level designs, music and charismatic characters. A fun game that probably Mega Man fans find too easy and short though

The "my parents took away all the cartridges so I have to play the free online downloadable 3DS games" game

This sure is a MOBA. Can you just... RELEASE a MOBA nowadays, add nothing new to it and get away with it...? Apparently! You can make people mortgage their houses for skins too as long as it's superficially Pokemon!