Minus a half star for being online only
This feels like a genuine actual game now! Fetch quests arent half as frequent and are much more interesting, dungeon bosses are better, and the story kicked ass! Ysayle estinien and alphenaud was a great party, and the adventure felt real.
The aether currents kind of suck but i couldn’t think of a better way to limit flight, though that one huge area cut in halves not having a single warp is pure evil. Queue times for the last dungeon and boss took over 10 minutes which was insane to me.
Also just a note, my character is a living flashbang. His name is Michael Rackpipe (my crackpipe) and he has a hulk hogan mustache, face tattoo, a red white and blue bandana (ribbon), a mullet a wifebeater, and jeans (i bought the wifebeater with the tat sleeve off the market board). Imagine going through THAT scene and the camera just cuts to this stupid monstrosity.
Also i switched jobs to astro and i think its a lot more fun than white mage

Reviewed on May 14, 2024
