every now and again there is a take that is so catastrophically mediocre, mild, and innocuous that irks you the wrong way. if you're used to using the internet and have the mental maturity over 7 years old, you just simply tell the person that said that take to kill himself and call it a day.
then theres this group of the biggest pansies ever created. the ones who believe themselves to be on some moral and mental high ground untouchable by the common folk, despite being nothing more than a prude.
thats right, im talkin about public discord server mods.
however, even these "people" (dare i call them that. they are more of an extension to their chairs if anything) have their limits. there has to be some take that is simply not worth a second thought that you can have that can get them to snap and say "kys", as is par for the course of any internet dialogue with someone that doesnt have a lamp post stuck up their ass.
i have miraculously managed to make this rare phenomena occur twice, with one simple sentence, one that i didnt even think was all too controversial:
"i think mega man zero 2 is better than mega man zero 3"

Reviewed on Aug 21, 2022


1 year ago

Hell, I'll give you an even hotter take: I don't think Zero 3 is that good to begin with

1 year ago

its a great game tbh but i can get not liking it from a level and boss design standpoint. extremely easy, easiest in the subseries (aint no game ever beating mm2 lmfao ive had a harder time pissing than playing mm2). mm fans are weird how they hype it up so much, same with the x series (all of the snes ones are mid and i never beat 4 but im gonna replay the whole thing after zx/a)

1 year ago

Tbh I can't disagree. Bosses and levels are some of the worst in the series, I have no idea how the internet got gaslit into thinking this game is a masterpiece or anything. At the same time, I'd play this game over dogshit like X2 or X3 any day.

1 year ago

Hell. I'm not that far into Zero 4, but the opening stage of that game possesses more creative setpieces and story incorporation than the entirety of Zero 3.

1 year ago

the fist is kinda useless cause most weapons are just a shittier buster shot but i still think that adding it was a net positive to the game because i would rather have to switch to the fist to ohko unkillable enemies or grab a level than i would figure out the exact timing of a rod in either 2 or 3. also make sure you got the moloid chips because the crafting system in z4 requires 2 of them i think and you cant redo the only level theyre in (opening). crafting in 4 is very whatever but i like it more than the stupid armor requirements in z2 or 3

1 year ago

I haven't really dabbled in the crafting because that's not really why I play these games (same reason I don't use cyber-elves). Though the fist I find to be more of a fun alternative to the buster than an outright replacement. I like the different effects and qualities different projectiles have that the buster can't cover

1 year ago

yeah, the fist can be really silly. if youre just going in the game raw no upgrades then yeah dont bother with crafting or elves, but i will say that elves being redone in 4 actually makes them viable because they dont dock your score if you keep it within the limits.