I love the removal of the tactical grid and all actual strategy from the game i also love the completely bastardized way that orbments work so that it’s obnoxious to actually build a magic character but it doesnt matter because rean ohkos near everything and whatever he doesnt kill immediately is incapable of hurting fie if you put her in the front i also love how i guessed every single plot twist 4 chapters before they were revealed and the reliance on ng+ for a 65+ hour game for completion is also really cool the soul being completely sucked from the game really adds a lot to the experience
Unfortunately towa is in this game and she’s actually cool so im like required to give it a mediocre score please dont let me write reviews at 4am

I miss sophisticated fight, man…

Reviewed on May 13, 2023


5 months ago

Towa singlehandedly hard carried this arc frfr

5 months ago

@LinuxWizzerd should i force myself to power through the last two games to get to reverie or should i just wash my hands of this trainwreck

5 months ago

it depends on what you want to get out of it
if you don't mind turning your brain off and seeing how off the rails it can get then go for it
but if you respect your time then just go for Hajimari, but that unfortunately comes with a caveat
The English translation unfortunately comes with many bugs that I don't think have even been looked at yet so if you're fine with getting it through completely legal and aboveboard means, the original English overlay for the Japanese version is still up on nyaa.si

5 months ago

I wasted 60 smackers on it on launch because i was still trying to convince myself these games are passable