It’s more Spelunky.

If you’ve played the original Spelunky and wanted more, Spelunky 2 is here, and trust me, you’re getting more. This is the same game with even more content, dungeons, traps, enemies, and more. They also changed the girl out for a dog, and I groaned at first, come on, that's a cute doggie. and he gives you a big old kiss. Muah.

That’s all I can say. I’m not good at Spelunky, I only beat the first area, and I believe Spelunky 2 is significantly harder. This is one Roguelite that I’m not a huge fan of, not that I think there’s anything wrong, I just can’t talk about how the dungeon progresses, because I can only see the first area. My friends who are fans of the first game love the second as well, and I see why. Sorry, I’m not your Spelunky guru.

Pick this up if you enjoyed Spelunky. Because of its enhanced challenge and difficulty, this is probably only for those who have beaten the first title. There’s no assist mode or anything else, it’s just a harder version of a pretty hard game, and I think that’s perfect for this title.

If you want to see more from me: Check out my video on this month of Game Pass games:

Reviewed on Jan 30, 2022
