1 review liked by Kingnegitive

This review contains spoilers

Since my Phoenix Wright Trilogy case reviews were so well-received, I figured I might as well go through Great Ace Attorney, since I have a ton to say about it. Originally, I planned to talk about these games and Chronicles in separate reviews, but I got a bit carried away when writing, so I decided to bundle them together. Look forward to my extensive thoughts on the Apollo Justice Trilogy and the Investigations games when I eventually play those. As a word of warning, this review is very long and contains heavy spoilers for the entire duology.

Of the games in the series I’ve played, TGAA1’s my third favorite. It gets overshadowed a lot by its sequel (and for good reason), but it sets up a lot of the stuff that game does well: the setting, the new gameplay mechanics, the characters, and the greater focus on a central mystery. With that established, willn46 is proud to present…his “Review and Analysis Spectacular”!

The Adventure of the Great Departure: A great first case and a great introduction to TGAA. I love how quickly it raises the stakes by putting the main character on trial, which Phoenix Wright took a case and a half to do. It also does a great job establishing the relationship between Ryunosuke and Kazuma, as well as the latter’s understanding of what it means to be a defense lawyer. I love how it resembles Turnabout Memories; Jezaille Brett plays a similar role to Dahlia Hawthorne, but her immunity comes from nationality more than gender. On that note, the case expertly establishes the themes of race, political conflict, power, social class, and justice, along with the central mystery the duology revolves around. And on top of all of that, it’s a really good case on its own. It introduces the mechanics, both new and old, in a natural way that eases both the player and player character into the rhythm of an Ace Attorney game. The two throwaway witnesses are pretty good, with Ayesa Nosa having a decent amount of depth and Kyurio Korekuta being pretty entertaining. And of course, Inspector Hosonaga is fantastic. Overall, it’s one of the weaker cases in the duology, which should tell you a lot about how good these games are.

The Adventure of the Unbreakable Speckled Band: Just like Turnabout Sisters before it, this case kills off the main character’s mentor early on, leaving them to fend for themselves and prove their innocence. I like it even better here, since Ryunosuke has to come to grips with his boyfriend’s passing and the loss of the only “real” lawyer on the study trip. The setting of a high-class steamship already elevates this case for me, being both aesthetically pleasing and a great setup for a locked-room mystery. Plus, the small size serves as a good excuse to tutorialize the games’ investigation mechanics. I love how streamlined the core exploration is compared to the original, with an improved hint system and quicker travel. On top of that, we get our first taste of the Dance of Deduction, serving up a healthy dose of both comedy and logic to spice up investigation segments even better than the Magatama did in the original trilogy. All thanks to the efforts of my current favorite Ace Attorney character, the World-Famous Great Detective Herlock Sholmes. He’s not at full power yet, but I love how immediately off-putting he is, only to come around and help the player by the end of the case. It quickly teaches the player there’s more to him than meets the eye, as great as what meets the eye is. Plus, he’s a great excuse to play with classic mystery tropes. In this case, it directly deconstructs Holmes’ most famous venture: that of the titular speckled band. From teasing players with Grimsby Roylott’s familiar face to stating the many reasons why the original mystery makes no sense (even if it is a great read), it starts a tradition of tampering with expectations that continues up until the final case of TGAA2.

All the talk of Sholmes is to say no less of the case’s other characters, because for the second case in the duology, it comes in swinging. Speckled Band properly introduces Susato Mikotoba, a judicial assistant whose combination of sass, sweetness, humor and helpfulness adds a ton to every case. The relationship between her and Ryunosuke is very well-developed in just a single case, with her learning to trust in his innocence and skills as a lawyer and both of them dealing with Kazuma’s untimely demise. Inspector Hosonaga returns, and is just as great as in the first case, although I did like his waiter outfit a bit better. Bif Strogenov is really cool not just because he has a really funny name, but also because his stern, professional demeanor dissolves believably into sympathy over the course of the case. Similarly, Nikolina Pavlova is a good culprit, with the audience’s initial suspicion quickly giving way into sympathy for her plight, and sadness over the accident that took Kazuma’s life. But that sadness soon leads to determination to live out a best friend’s dream, capping off a great tutorial case and an excellent case in general.

The Adventure of the Runaway Room: The game wastes no time showing us Ryunosuke’s an outsider not just to Britain, but to the legal system. He’s an ersatz Kazuma in the eyes of the law and of Lord Stronghart, who has a fittingly strong introduction. I love how immediately clear his nature is made to the player, especially if they’ve played past Ace Attorneys. It’s certainly nice of him to give Ryunosuke a chance at a legal career, because this is a great case. The fledgling lawyer is thrust into yet another locked-room mystery; now with a defendant the jury is dead-set on convicting. McGilded is a charming character, and his cheerful demeanor and fun animations makes us want to help him for the time being. Speaking of great characters, this case introduces a phenomenal prosecutor. I’ve said Godot is my favorite prosecutor (at the time of writing, I have not played the Apollo Justice Trilogy), but Van Zieks is a very close second. Like Sholmes in Speckled Band, his character has yet to be fully fleshed out, but he immediately shows his hatred of criminals and passion for justice, as well as disdain for the “Nipponese”. He prosecutes a great trial here, too; bringing an omnibus into court and forcing his opponent to examine it for clues and understand its mechanics to try and eke out a victory.

In fact, things are so tough the jury reaches a guilty verdict early on, leading to the introduction of Summation Examination. I love this mechanic; it gives some good personality to the jurors and adds a nice twist onto the usual cross-examination by making the player consider multiple arguments. Speaking of cross-examination, the witnesses in this trial are…alright. They have some good animations and dialogue, particularly Lay. D Furst, but they’re not quite up to par with TGAA’s other witnesses. That is, if we’re talking about the witnesses exclusive to this case, because Gina is fantastic. She manages a good mix of sassy, funny, and sympathetic, even if her arc doesn’t hit its stride just yet. Plus, she mixes up the evidence in an interesting way, since it both requires the player’s attention and seeds doubt in Ryunosuke’s mind about his client’s innocence. In fact, McGilded repeatedly proves to be shady throughout the trial, with both the reveals about his career and the questions about his actions immediately forcing the player to decide between searching for the truth and winning an important trial. None of it matters in the end, however, as McGilded gets off scot-free, Ryunosuke gets to be a proper attorney, and Gina gets carried off by a character we’ll learn more about very soon. Justice finds its way into the courtroom soon, however, as a great case ends with the start of a great mystery: The legend of the Reaper of the Bailey.

The Adventure of the Clouded Kokoro: I love how the game sets up Van Zieks not just as a prosecutor, but as a mythos. In past AA games, prosecutors would lose to the player but still maintain their high reputations, which felt a little odd (Godot is by far the funniest example of this). Through the curse place on those he prosecutes, Van Zieks manages to not only remain intimidating, but set up a mystery that ties very well into the games’ central plot.

Anyway, while this is technically a “filler case”, and one of the weaker ones in the trilogy, I still really like it. After the incident with McGilded, I like how the game lets Ryunosuke reestablish his faith in his clients, and they chose a fantastic client to do so. Soseki Natsume helps build Britain up as a hostile environment to foreigners, even in the face of a treaty. On top of that, he’s a really fun character with a good backstory and some great dialogue and animations, and it’s cool that he’s one of the few characters to stick around for multiple cases. Speaking of cool characters, this case introduces everyone’s favorite fish and chips fanatic, Inspector Gregson! His personality, sense of responsibility, and rivalry with Sholmes are on full display, and he’s really entertaining to watch. Speaking of Sholmes, he’s back and better than ever, offering another great Dance of Deduction and revealing more of his kinder side, both towards the protagonists and to Iris, who is also fantastic.

The actual case here is pretty good too, as far as filler cases go; I love the setup of how you’re initially trying to find the “real murderer”, only for it to turn out as a series of very tragic accidents. All this is held up by a strong supporting cast: Pat and Roly Beate are fun at first and efficiently sympathetic at the outset. John Garrideb and his wife are also good, and I love how their subplot ties organically into the “murder” mystery. So yeah, not the greatest case ever, but a very good one, and a good appetizer for the main course that awaits us in the next case.

The Adventure of the Unspeakable Story: As is tradition, the best case in the game is the last one, for a number of reasons. The case immediately starts by establishing how things have changed: Ryunosuke and Susato have moved in with Sholmes and Iris, and they’ve adopted an adorable cat. It gives a nice comfortable vibe that’s quickly interrupted once they head over to the pawn shop. On one hand, Pop Windibank is a fun character and it’s great seeing Gina again, but there’s also a national crisis in the making and Eggert Benedict (who I refuse to call anything else) points a gun directly at us. Things go back to normal pretty soon, only for the game to drop one of the biggest mysteries in the duology: The Hound of the Baskervilles. Why it’s so important and why Susato knows about it won’t be answered for another game, but this case immediately piques players’ interests, as well as Gina’s. This, of course, sets up a fantastic closing case, with the high stakes expected from an Ace Attorney finale: Sholmes is gone, Susato’s leaving, and Gina’s the suspect in a locked-room murder case. It all comes down to Ryunosuke, and his faith in his client, to get the job done.

Quick tangent, but I love how much the duology, and this case specifically, rely on scientific investigation to get the job done. Not only does it work wonders for the theming, detailing a world transitioning from its old crime-solving methods towards forensics, but it’s a personally refreshing change from the Phoenix Wright games. I was never a big fan of the supernatural stuff there. I don’t dislike it; it lead to a lot of cool moments and some great cases, but more than anything it felt like a Deus Ex Machina for when Nick was struggling in court. Here, it’s all down to investigating the scene and using evidence to the fullest, and I’m all for it. On the topic of investigating, I like the mechanics used here as well. Not only is analyzing the blood stains a cool idea, but the way it incorporates stereoscopes is both novel and entertaining (although it was probably designed more with the 3DS in mind).

Anyway, now that investigations have been discussed, I think it’s a good time to talk about the trial. First off, it’s a great use of the jury, with pretty much every member having something good to contribute. I also love how there’s just an escaped Russian revolutionary on the jury and it’s a footnote in the grand scheme of things. Although, part of that might be because of how good the case’s plot is. The Skullkin brothers are great witnesses, being well-designed, entertaining, and fun to interrogate with their slip-ups constantly producing great material for players to work with. Obviously, it’s great seeing Gina again, and her backstory of threats and manipulation makes McGilded a really hateable villain. It also leads to more good development for Ryunosuke and helps him learn what it means to be a lawyer. But of course, I would be remiss not to mention Eggert Benedict (no, I will not call him anything else). Not only does he sport a great design with even better animations, but his abuse of wealth and power to manipulate both the jury and the law makes him a perfect culprit to cap off this game. This especially applies at the very end; where quick thinking by Sholmes and the consequences of Susato’s actions come together to lead to the truth about what happened.

But before we can talk about that truth, I want to talk a bit about the characters at the end of the case. First off, the reveal of Benedict’s past and how he got involved in shady business gives him a somewhat sympathetic side, which is neat. I also like how the events here lead to a sort of redemption arc for Gina. We won’t fully see it until the next game, but it’s a great start. Speaking of redemption, the talk between Ryunosuke and Van Zieks is fantastic, cementing the latter as a serious prosecutor who still cares about justice and helping people while foreshadowing his tragic past. It’s all great stuff, but the note the game ends on is the start of something even greater. The reveal of the four names is a fantastic plot thread that gets players hooked on TGAA2 before it even starts: What do the names mean? Who is “A. Shin”? What does Kazuma have to do with all this? Don’t worry, because the answer definitely lives up to the hype.

TGAA2 is my favorite Ace Attorney, for reasons that will quickly become obvious. It maintains and builds upon everything the first game does well, wraps up all the loose plot threads, and has a series of absolute banger cases. It feels like a culmination of everything Shu Takumi has learned during his career as a writer, in all the best possible ways. With that said, willn46 proudly presents round 2…of his “Review and Analysis Spectacular”!

Adventure of the Blossoming Attorney: Finally, after years of writing Yaoi, Shu Takumi finally takes the next step and writes a Yuri story. This is a strong contender for my favorite first case in the series, and not just because of Susato’s relationship with her “very good friend” Rei (although Rei is a very fun character and a great defendant). Like Turnabout Memories before it, this case delves into Susato’s character by placing the typically competent assistant in an oppressive legal environment, thanks to both her gender and lack of experience. The odds are stacked against her, and it’s a fascinating case she has to unravel. Seeing Jezaille Brett get hers is certainly satisfying, and it’s only fair it turns out to be poison. In particular, poison delivered by an entertaining culprit: Raiten Menimemo. His short-sighted passion for justice makes him not only a joy to watch, but a compelling anti-villain who masterfully sets up the themes of the game and foreshadows some big twists. Right now, I wanna talk about the other characters, because this case does a great job fleshing out some of my favorite NPC’s in the duology. Inspector Hosonaga and Soseki Natsume get some great lines, and the former gets a great costume, too. I also love how much the case emphasizes Susato’s relationship with her father, as well as his relationship with Judge Jigoku. It’s really sweet. But then things get spicy at the end-of-case reveals, perfectly transitioning into the adventure to come.

Memoirs of the Clouded Kokoro: Being this game’s only filler case, it is probably the weakest, but only by proxy. First off, we get to see more of Sholmes and Iris, which is always amazing, and they both get some great moments here (Sholmes eating soap is a personal favorite). Second, the case in question is very well-done. Getting to see Soseki Natsume again is a real treat, and it’s both entertaining and tragic seeing him trying to adjust to a foreign land. Plus, it’s an interesting twist on the classic Ace Attorney formula to have a victim who’s not only alive, but guilty. Shamsphere is such a delight, from his dialogue to his animations to his legitimately horrible crimes. On that note, I also really like how it takes a throwaway character from the first Clouded Kokoro case and gives them a full backstory. Olive Green is a wonderfully sympathetic “killer” and hearing what happened to her was legitimately sad, although it didn’t justify hurting Soseki Natsume. Speaking of great characters, we get more of Gregson, Van Zieks, and Wagahai, all of whom are incredible. Plus, I like the gas company people. They’re fun. I don’t have much else to say about this case other than “it has some really good jokes”, but it’s incredibly solid. Oh yeah, and this is my least favorite case in TGAA2. I wasn’t lying when I said I loved this game.

The Return of the Great Departed Soul: If you told me after playing the Phoenix Wright Trilogy that a third case would become one of my favorite cases in the franchise, I would’ve said you were crazy. But hot damn, this one is outstanding. My only minor complaint is that it’s a little too convenient for Stronghart to reinstate Ryunosuke as a defense attorney. Other than that, it starts out great and just gets better as it goes on. Immediately, we’re tasked with disproving the concept of teleportation, which might seem a bit outlandish, but considering the setting of a scientific exhibition, it actually makes a lot of sense. Speaking of which, the setting is fantastic, with some great backgrounds and a story that wonderfully supports the duology’s themes of scientific advancement.

The characters in this case are all fantastic. Professor Harebrayne is a charming defendant who not only serves to flesh out Van Zieks, but is entertaining on his own. His devotion to his hypothesis is both charming and a bit of a hindrance, making him pretty compelling as well. Madame Tuspells is a really hot fun character whose subplot ties into the main case very well and is entertaining by itself. Also, I love her witness animation where she carves a wax figure of Sholmes. Enoch Drebber is a wonderfully expressive antagonist with a great theme and even better animations. The buildup around him is top-notch, and combined with his actions and his backstory, it paints him as a brilliant scientist and manipulator who nonetheless was thrust into a bad situation by factors outside of his control. And impressively, he’s not even the killer. Courtney Sithe is a fascinating character, acting as both a support to the themes of scientific advancement and an extension of Stronghart’s control over the justice system. Nonetheless, she’s not completely evil, as much of a victim to Asman’s extortions as she is to the whims of her superiors. Hell, even the balloon guy and the Bohemian prince are great witnesses.

But that’s not all. Not only is this case’s cast great, but it adds a lot to the pre-existing cast. It’s awesome seeing Gina return and seeing her arc of turning her life around, while still remaining distinctly herself. Oh yeah, and this case also introduces the best character in the game: Chief Inspector Toby. Speaking of inspectors, Gregson gets some really nice development here. It’s nice seeing his more sensitive side, both in how he tries to care for Gina and how he helps throughout the case. Sholmes is great, as always, and his Dance of Deduction is spectacular thanks to the visuals of reversed gravity and the tension that comes with the reveal of both time bombs. But it wouldn’t be right to let him overshadow Iris, who does really well as the assistant before Susato shows up. Speaking of which, Susato’s return is not only a massive relief during a heated moment in the case, but a great opportunity for her to build the intrigue surrounding the main mystery of the game.

And that mystery comes in full force through the return of Kazuma Asogi, a man once thought dead coming back in a glorious fashion and revealing the truth about his father. While we don’t feel Genshin’s impact just yet, it’s still a fantastic closer to a nearly perfect case. However, my favorite part of this case is how it develops the Reaper himself, Barok Van Zieks. Not only do we learn about his past involving his brother Klint and how it led him down a dark path, but we see more of his humanity through his interactions with Harebrayne. It’s the cherry on top of a phenomenal case, but said case is only the appetizer for the absolute peak of Ace Attorney.

Twisted Karma and His Last Bow: After the massive reveal at the end of Great Departed Soul, it’s nice to get a chance to relax. Getting to see Mikotoba and Jigoku again in a beautiful hotel creates a friendly atmosphere, although players might be suspicious of the photo getting added to the court record. Sholmes dying his hair red is both funny and a good setup for the subplot, and the Evie Vigil storyline is both interesting and a cool way of making the jurors relevant. The scenes with Stronghart subtlely amp up the tension, however, and it’s not long before the first big twist of the case hits: Gregson is dead. This isn’t the first time Ace Attorney has killed off a major character, but to do it after we’ve gotten to know them is equal parts shocking and heartbreaking (I haven’t played the Apollo Justice games, so don’t spoil them for me if I’m wrong here). Seeing the reactions of the other Scotland Yard officers and especially Gina makes it hurt even more. Even worse, Barok Van Zieks stands accused of Gregson’s murder, and it’s up to Ryunosuke to defend him.

Just like Turnabout Goodbyes in the first Ace Attorney, this plot point not only serves as a fascinating reversal of roles, but a great way to develop the prosecutor. We learn a ton about Van Zieks’ motivation, his behavior, and his relationship with Klint over the course of this case. Speaking of good prosecutors, Kazuma’s return is fantastic. Not only does he look really hot in that outfit, but his character is completely recontextualized. He’s as ruthless in court as he was defending his boyfriend, and while his actions here aren’t the most admirable, they’re completely understandable. From his point of view, he’s avenging his father’s death by prosecuting the man who sent him to the gallows. I’ve also heard people point out that his prosecution techniques are very similar to those of a defense attorney: picking apart witnesses’ arguments to get to the bottom of things. That’s a really neat touch.

On the topics of defense and prosecution, the trial here is especially tense. While I miss the jury, the addition of closed proceedings somehow raises the stakes even higher. Plus, there are some great witnesses to make up for it. Well, the first batch is fun, but as far as TGAA witnesses go, they’re on the forgettable side. Don’t worry, though, because Fabien De Rousseau and Peppino Spaghetti De Rossi more than make up for it. They serve as a neat contrast to the Skullkin brothers from Unspeakable Story, offering similar comedic relief but consistently butting heads and being pretty willing to work with the law (at least when they’re not scamming people). Also, they make a Ghost Trick reference at one point and that’s neat. But anyway, the end of the trial offers a great twist, both tying into Daley Vigil’s subplot and offering new insight into Gregson’s character and Genshin’s death.

And then, in a rare break from formula, the case keeps going. We get more backstory for Kazuma, further building his relationship with his father, and more tender moments with Van Zieks. Plus, we learn a bit more about the Reaper and Jezaille Brett/Asa Shinn’s role in the story. Both of these are all well and good, but the real kicker comes when looking for Klint’s autopsy. For some unexplained reason, it’s gone. Then, for some even less explained reason, we arrive home to…a truly unique scene, to put it lightly. Sholmes’ Dance of Deduction is entertaining as always, and the part where he gets punched into the ceiling is very funny. Plus, having Ryunosuke and Susato conduct the Dance is a neat way to both switch things up and showcase their improved abilities of detection. All this caps off with a fantastic reveal about Sholmes and Mikotoba’s shared past, both subverting player expectations in a natural way and supporting the themes of culture explored within the duology. And to think, all this greatness is only the first half of a phenomenal case.

The Resolve of Ryunosuke Naruhodo: This case is so perfect you’d swear it was made by a Von Karma. It starts with a bang; Lord Stronghart posing as the judge and the accompanying music immediately lets you know this is the climax. His behavior towards Gina also helps establish him as a hateable villain, both in terms of his classism and how his behavior contrasts with her testimony. But things quickly lighten up when the search for Judge Jigoku begins, leading to the last and greatest Dance of Deduction. Not only do we meet Bif Strogenov’s brother Tchikin Strogenov, we get to see the Great Detective in his element. The reveal that he’s actually a genius who deliberately acted stupid to teach Ryunosuke about deduction adds a ton to his character and makes this Dance stand out very well among its contemporaries. Also, the interactions between him and Mikotoba are absolute gold, both in terms of dialogue and animation. Speaking of great dialogue, the reveals about the four names and Kazuma’s “death” is done just as well. I love how it ties everything together in a satisfying way, even taking things like Inspector Hosonaga into account. And of course, the scene immediately after shows the cast’s closeness in a heartwarming way.

The second trial is absolutely phenomenal. Judge Jigoku’s cross-examination unveils more of the mystery behind his and Kazuma’s activities, as well as developing both of them. Obviously, Kazuma is fantastic, but I also love how much character the game gives to one of the Judges. It’s something I don’t think has been done before in Ace Attorney, and it’s fascinating watching this dignified, yet caring figure reveal his true nature as a cruel pawn in Stronghart’s grand game. His line about how he should have convicted Ryunosuke in the first trial really drives the point home, and obviously his breakdown is absolutely smashing. However, even with Gregson’s murderer found out, there’s still one last mystery to solve. A great exchange between prosecutors and Gregson’s last words lead to the truth we’ve known for a long time: Stronghart is the true Reaper of the Bailey, manipulating everything from the shadows to wipe out those he deems the nation’s worst criminals. While he seems unstoppable, Sholmes comes through once again to help bring the truth to light.

The next cross-examination is absolute gold. For one, it grants more insight into Mikotoba’s studies in Great Britain and his relationship with John Wilson. Elaborating on the reveal at the end of Twisted Karma, I like how it reverses the roles even further, with John Wilson being portrayed as less honorable than the Great Detective’s partner would be. And of course, it’s cool seeing Mikotoba help bring the truth to light. I also really like how this case uses Maria Gorey. A throwaway side character in the third case is a top-tier witness here, providing valuable information and expertly contrasting her mother’s obedience. The next cross-examination fares even better, thanks to two more excellent witnesses. Barry Caidin is consistently entertaining, but still has a degree of nuance, showing some regret over what happened in the wake of Genshin’s escape. Daley Vigil is absolutely outstanding, having gone through a ton in the decade since the Professor case but still consistently cooperating and providing vital information to reveal the truth about it. The truth about Klint is devastating, both to Barok and to the player, as it feels incomplete. But one slip-up later, and two will readings lay it all bare.

The reading of Klint’s will is absolutely fantastic. It makes a character with zero screen time an absolutely fascinating man, stuck between his pursuit of justice and the love of his family. It sheds a light on Genshin’s true character, willing to risk it all to help his best friend die with honor. And the final line sends chills throughout my body: “To my extortioner, Mael Stronghart…may you feel the jaws of the beast at your throat every time you swallow.” Stronghart’s villainy as the professor is matched only by his manipulation of the crowds, with his fascinating ideals about justice holding up well enough to let him get away. But all this fades away in one of Sholmes’ finest moments: using a hologram projector to show Queen Victoria the entire trial, causing Lord Stronghart to fall off the Judge’s Bench and explode. The return of the normal judge and Barok’s acquittal offers a sense of comfort after a long trial and a victory well-earned.

After that, we get nothing but the finest character moments Ace Attorney can offer. Van Zieks’ apology to Ryunosuke is excellent, perfectly redeeming him after his countless discourtesies and humanizing him in a way rivaling the likes of Edgeworth and Godot. The truth about Iris’ parentage both solves her mystery and gives Barok some much-needed closure. As a side note, I love how he wears Klint’s badge, just as Ryunosuke wears Kazuma’s armband. Both of them followed in the footsteps of people close to them, working tirelessly to try to match them, only to realize their idols weren’t what they seemed. But when the truth came out, both of them could ease their pains by knowing they brought them justice. Speaking of which, the three lawyers reconciling is very heartwarming. It wraps up Kazuma’s arc incredibly well, and I love how it shows both he and Van Zieks were too quick to judge, but have since grown tremendously as people. After heading back home, Gina’s arc is done justice, too. Having her continue Gregson’s legacy is a satisfying conclusion for both characters. Iris’ acceptance of Sholmes as her real father makes me cry just thinking about it. It’s absolutely beautiful. And all the beauty of the trilogy comes to a head as the characters say their goodbyes, and Ryunosuke and Susato head back to Japan to bring about a new age of the law.

Overall, this duology is absolutely phenomenal. It’s engaging, funny, tragic, and heartwarming all at the same time, and its existence is an absolute miracle. But with all the team’s experience in crafting top-tier mysteries…

Would you expect anything less?