9 reviews liked by Kipodora_7

HHHGNHGHGBTBNGBTG PEAK PEAK PEAK PEAK i have other rpgs to play but i want to REPLAY BG3 INSTEAD!!! Also, Mac version runs surprisingly well! I'm gonna make out with Larian Studios. Thank You.

- Got it from early access and watched the game getting patched into the final condition.
- Great game, interesting characters and plot and great mechanics to play around with.

Not a fan of the combat but still a great game, loved it!

Absolutely unbelievable game. 290 hours logged before I completed any of my 3 campaigns.

Story and world building is pretty good, just can’t get past the gameplay of this game. This is coming from a guy that likes turn-based combat in games. I will not return to this game.

There is nothing here I can say that hasn't been said elsewhere. Simply brilliant game with a truly epic scale. As a multiplayer game, it is also incredibly funny

I enjoyed my time with this game greatly, I have put in over 120 hours combined in my own single player story and ongoing coop game with my friends. It is packed with content, and I have only scratched the surface when it comes to the amount of playthroughs and things I can experience and see.

The full voice acting and mo capping of characters during dialogue, made me fall in love with the characters and kept me wanting to progress the game so I could spend time with them at camp and see how their stories unfolded. The romances are some of the best I have seen in gaming, fully utilizing mo-cap and voice acting to make their writing shine, and they actually are weaved into the entire length of the game, instead of the usual one and done or side quest chain that is the norm.

The best part about this game for me was the fact that it really made CRPGs finally make sense to me. I had played Divinity 2 and some others before this one, I never finished or even gotten close to finishing one before. Usually being thrown off by the gameplay or the lower amount of hand holding than I was used to. But through this game, I developed a love for the genre and have played quite a few more since. While I did not finish this game I love this game for the fact that it showed me how much fun CRPGs are.

Fantastic RPG. while i may have few gripes with the gameplay side of things (encounters, bosses etc.) i can say this is one of the best 'modern games' I've played in a awhile. the time just flys by with a game like this. great acting, great characters, great soundtrack. a compelling story. truly this game is a gem in my opinion. this is definitely in the top 10 conversation.

Down by the river / 10

This game is fucking awesome. Unfortunately I'm so bad at playing through long singleplayer games that I worry I won't finish this one before I die.