Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

December 15, 2022

First played

December 13, 2022

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


This review contains spoilers

This game exceeded my expectations. I found it for free on Steam. This game is an update to At Home Alone. I haven't played the first version so I'm not sure where the differences begin and end but it is listed on the Steam page.

The plot of the game is very simple at first. You're a girl who stays at home while your mom goes out. Different shenanigans happen, stuff with time travel, murder, and supernatural creatures.

The positives: The graphics really surprised me! I thought it was going to be your run of the mill typical rpg maker game(which isn't a bad thing but quite a few that I played weren't all that detailed in the graphics department). There was lots of details and love put into it! No gross jumpscares, just atmosphere. There were moments where I had questioned if I was even playing the same game that I had started.

I don't think I can say that there was a boring moment in the story either. Every moment had a twist or turn that I didn't expect. There are also different minigames and puzzles which keep you on your toes. There are several chase segments. The game is pretty generous though and if you fail a segment, you can instantly retry.

What I think needed polishing: One thing that bogged down the game for me was the English translation being very off. You'll see phrases like "This killer is so cunny" and "Oh! Is a trash can! It's a stinky monster!". I could kind of decipher what was happening regardless. The story is kind of confusing to piece together unless you complete all the endings though and even then I only have a loose understanding of what happened.

Another thing that put me off was that one of the endings would make you start the WHOLE game over. The only reason this is a worry is because there are 4 endings in total to get and if you don't do them in a certain order, you will have to start another playthrough vs starting from small checkpoints the game gives you after you finish the game one time(it kind of functions like a hub world where you select which act in the story to go to). Thankfully the game isn't that long to get through, just doing so is very tedious.

At the end of the day, I don't regret playing this at all. It was an interesting experience!