Still play at family gatherings. A fun time

Backed on Kickstarter and played as an advent calendar when it came out. Haven't defeated the bosses that were added in an update.

Played on PC so I could mod voices into the game. I was into it but the people I wanted to play with weren't so I ended up not playing it very much.

Not great so far. It's still in early access though so hopefully in improves.

Played with my younger brother. Had a great time. The game can get super intense though. I yelled over mashed potatoes more than I'd care to admit.

Absolutely love this game to death. Super short and super fun to speedrun the levels.

Got myself stuck playing hard mode where I had no way to continue.

Will probably replay it someday because I really enjoyed what I played.

One of the first PS4 games I really got into after unexpectedly winning the console in a high school fundraising raffle.

I really enjoyed this game when I first played it. Idk if it would still hold up to my current tastes, but my highschool self loved this game.

One of my favorite childhood games that I spent hours playing as a kid. The levels in this game exist in the same space as my childhood playgrounds.

I've tried to complete it a couple of times as an adult but ended up dropping it. I do plan on completing it again at some point in the future.

The game lacks in content compared to the previous versions. I enjoyed playing with friends during quarantine for a bit but fell off pretty quick. I planned on going back to it for a while, but at this point I think if I did decide to play animal crossing it would be either a new game or one of the older ones.

I've loved this game since the original Wii U release. It's an incredible game, but I've spent so much time with it that I'm a bit sick of it at this point. I enjoy switching things up and playing some of the older games. Hopefully, the next game isn't too far away.

Played on PC and fan-made Switch port.

Enjoyed what I played for a while, but the game dragged on, and I just wanted it to end. It all started feeling too same-y. Tried playing again on Switch, but ended up giving up again.

Played the Japanese cloud version on Switch. I had very few issues streaming the game. I even took my Switch to my college campus and played using wifi with no issues.

Highly enjoyed the game. The gyro controls on the Switch version are very nice. Played through the whole story and a good amount of the DLC.

I haven't completed all the DLC, but I transferred my save data from the Japanese rental version to the full version after it released.

Unfortunately because I played the Japanese version there was some censorship (despite the fact that I played the Z version)

Really enjoyed the game. This was the first Resident Evil game that I completed and it got me hooked on the series. Since it was my first Resident Evil game I played with a prima strategy guide that I probably didn't need looking back.

I wish it was just a bit shorter. The game drags on a bit towards the end. I was satisfied when I finished the game so I didn't play through Separate Ways.

I had saved a bunch of rocket launchers for the end so the final few bosses were extremely easy.