I was thinking very hard about if I should give this game a 5 or 6 out of 10 but I am going to settle for a 5. The ending got me very good as a fan of FF1 the story and twist are awesome and if you are a fan of FF1 as well you will very much enjoy this story. Past that combat is fun but that's it there is nothing else to this game that I can say is good or amazing it just has fun combat and a awesome story but everything else is average to bad.

I recommend this game on sale if you are a FF1 fan past that I would not recommend this game to anyone I will be forgetting about this game soon enough lol.

Reviewed on Apr 01, 2022


2 years ago

"fun combat and a awesome story"
"everything else is average to bad"

wtf is everything else? the graphics?? this is a game focused entirely on its combat and narrative. what else even matters?
Dont mind the Chandler cope, this is what I'll probably give it too

2 years ago

@NOWITSREYNTIME17 oh don't worry I do not care in the slightest bit lol

2 years ago

@chandler Level designs sucked, loot system sucked , bosses sucked, Graphics were terrible. That touches the base of my issues with the game.

2 years ago

oh dont get me wrong i'm not trying to be vitriolic or anything. i do get the issue with loot (prior to end/postgame where affinity stats actually matter) but i'm curious as to what you didn't like about the bosses since i consider them a pretty big highlight

2 years ago

@chandler Past design ( which area awesome ) I did not find any boss fun to fight

2 years ago

well i mean that's a given. i was more getting at why that is. like, did you find them too easy? hard? cheap? i've noticed the boss design is pretty contentious in places but i usually see people complaining about being unable to dodge attacks when they try treating the game as a soulslike or something else along those lines