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June 8, 2023

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RE2 remake is a pretty good modern, survival horror game. Zombies taking more headshots to put down goes against what most people who are into zombie horror are used to and creates a bit more terror in early encounters and is a pretty good way to substitute the decisions present in the original where the player decides to conserve ammo and try to run past the threat/use a bit of ammo to stagger the enemy and safely pass/double down and use resources to wipe the enemy from future encounters.
RE isn't exactly known for tricky puzzles like the ones present in other survival horror games like Silent Hill, but was still left a bit disappointed in what puzzles were present in this remake, with the peak of it being the chess puzzle for the sewers which only gave me a little itch for those old-school puzzles.

One major downside about the remake is how they handle the different scenario routes. In the OG, both routes for each character are wildly different storywise with an element of one playthrough affecting a small part of the next scenario which kept each playthrough a bit fresh. The remake has opted out of that to make a more linear story that doesn't really change at all whether you pick to play as Claire or Leon in either scenario, with even a few inconsistencies like character deaths.

Leaving out the unique endings for each scenario really felt like a missed opportunity. I'm not sure if this is just Capcom trying to make the recent remakes follow a more strict canon story, but because of that it prevents me from really saying that this was a great remake.