it was a plesent experience from start to finish i took my time and explored the game and all the maps.
sadly it shows its age in some bugs and the caracter gliding on it own but is a great game and a recomendable experience

fun for a bit with firends but kinda messy XD

My second ever soulslike and an amazing expirience there are no words to describe how incredible the world and its connectivitie is i strongly recomend

One of my fauvorite games of all time and introduced me to the amzing worldbuilding and the soulslike masterpicies that fromsoftware provides

- The camera moves too fast even in the slowest speed
- Some levels are too repetitive
- Character tends to jump all of a sudden
- It's hard to utilize auto-lock properly
- Some areas are too bright, some are too dark
- Sometimes it's hard to find rage needed to cast spells without taking damage from the enemies
Should you buy this game?
The mechanics are awful and the story doesn't make sense - I can't seem to find a good thing to recommend. I mean... I usually don't mind doing repetitive things, but this game is too boring. I'm sure there are a lot of better hack-and-slash games out there.


fun to do random stuff with friends realy liked it

its fun and played with friends but not rly my tipe of game.
lately some kilers are kinda busted and that takes out the fun for me

Its fun to play with some friends but has lots and lots of bugs and now with ascended the servers kynda suck sadly