While no stranger to the Ubisoft Cut/Copy/Paste formula of these games. There is no denying the hours of fun possible when you approach the game entirely as co-op based adventure. Between several games in the Ghost Recon / Division franchise my partner and I must have gained hundreds of hours of enjoyment and memories as fan of the dying breed of couch co-op adventures. I often could not imagine remotely having or retaining interest in many of these tiles from a single player perspective however have gladly sunk weeks in as a duo from the offset.

The game itself is fun and easy to get to grips with, it does suffer from an over complex gear system with far far too may loot options with such minor stat difference you're never really sure what you should be wearing and tend to default to whatever makes your health or armour value go up the most. The base game does suffer from a lack of any real purposeful direction other than 'conquer and control' however the warlords of new york expansion takes on an entirely new format to the way it delivers the open world experience and one I found much more enjoyable despite it's relatively short length as an addon.

Reviewed on Feb 14, 2022
