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Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

November 24, 2023

First played

November 18, 2023

Platforms Played


This a weird one for me.

I like a lot but almost all of it is not because of the game. I find the story and characters to be peak sonic lore and if was in the comics or something like prime then it might be my favourite thing from sonic. But it isn’t and as a game it’s erm.

A lot of people have said this game is a great direction and I can see what they mean. There’s something here that if really polished could be fantastic. But I personally don’t want them to continue with this style. I wasn’t sure on how to have fun. Cause sometimes the ways I had fun contradicted each other. I would personally like to go back to the boost games or adventure style.

I am happy the did experiment and that they are listening to fans. That is a better alternative then them just repeating slop over and over again.

Now can I recommend this game? Kinda, if your sonic fan who likes the story I can recommend atleast the cutscenes and if you like open worlds then sure. But temper you experimentations that this is good rather then fantastic.