It doesn't happen often, but this is one of those games that make me feel insane for disliking it. I hear so much great stuff about it, people seem to absolutely adore it, but I hate like everything about it.

I will give it another shot at some point, I want to see what other people see in this game :(

Reviewed on Dec 21, 2023


I'm curious as to what it is you don't like. Everything??? That seems pretty wild. It is a bit old at this point in some ways but outside of QOL improvements and the exploration... most JRPGs since haven't really surpassed it still.

5 months ago

By everything I mean like everything except for the story (so far, am 20 hours in), the soundtrack and the artstyle/theme of the game.
I find the combat and dungeon exploring stupid boring, I can't get myself to like most of the characters and dialogue and just some other things this game does kinda just gross me out. I'm currently at the damn strip club dungeon and I felt so weirded out by the bossfight that I really didn't wanna play another second of it. :(

But honestly, it's amazing I made it so far into the Persona series so far, because I thought from the very beginning that it has like the most boring combat I've ever played in an RPG, so it's obviously just not for me. But I did like the stories and characters of the previous games and that's why I kept going.