There's a lot of Ghostbusters games but this one stands apart for it's authenticity - a return of the original cast, the 3rd film script on hand, and gameplay that lets you live the fantasy the movies sell.

Almost all of the original cast are back (minus Rick Moranis and Sigourney Weaver) along with you playing a new recruit. You're lead through a variety of call-backs and scenes from the original film mixed into the new plot. The original voices add a lot to the story but the trainee you play feels shoe-horned into the script. The story ends up being fun in parts and functional overall, but the environments feel very phoned in. They clearly had original ideas but it's like they built them from cheap pre-made parts. The biggest effort went into re-creating locations, objects, and effects from the films.

The entire thing plays out very cinematically and gameplay is very straightforward - you zap the ghost until it gets tired while dodging attacks, then you deploy a trap and pull it in. There's a few different beams and tools you'll get as you go, but it's really just 'zapping mode' or 'scanning mode' throughout. The scanning will let you find your way and unlock some achievements but that's about it. The combat can be brutal at times as ghosts do a lot of damage which makes you focus on dodging, that combined with health-sponge enemies results in some very drawn out sections.

I'd say it's worth a play if you're looking for that 3rd movie experience or if you're a fan of the original films. It's hard to recommend this to newcomers because it's so closely tied to what came already. The gameplay feels like the films, you play scenes from the films, there's a lot of catchphrases. Lacking all that context you're walking into some very simplistic gameplay and a story-heavy experience.

Reviewed on May 24, 2024
