An interesting follow up from Subset Games. The Kaiju themed 3-piece chess match with waves of enemies and environmental mechanics, combined with individual stage-specific challenges makes for a fun and varied experience. The different mecha teams, each of which have their own tactical approach and offer different action combos adds to that.

Replayability is at the core of the game, but the formula gets fairly repetitive fast. The different islands have their unique gimmicks, but in an already challenging game it tends to feel like the mechanics get overwhelming in short order.

I never found the pilot system particularly engaging, especially since I rarely feel like I have that much control over who lives or dies when everything goes wrong. Equally I don't feel like I get to experiment with the shop very much. Maybe I just tend towards playing it safer, but even then I've not completed the game, only reached the 5th island at which point the complexity ramps up a bit too much and I get overwhelmed.

That said it's a very solidly designed game, with a unique theme, cool concept, and interesting gameplay. It's a tightly wound but compact clock that is fun to go back to once in a while, but I rarely ever feel compelled to endure long enough to unpack all of what it has to offer.

Reviewed on Jul 07, 2023
