An ambitious game with some very interesting ideas. The project was an attempt to combine a live action show with a video game where the decisions you make in the game alter the direction the tv show goes in.

The result was a bit too abstract for its time. Personally I ended up enjoying it - it has a fantastic cast of actors and I think the premise of the game is interesting. It's also by the folks behind Alan Wake and Control at Remedy and features the same actress who plays Jessie as Beth in this game.

The level to level gameplay has you following Jack who gets caught up in his scientist friend's time travel experiment gone wrong and ends up with time powers, then promptly ends up getting hunted down by a shady organisation and hijinks ensue. The story ends up doing the usual temporal gymnastics with you travelling to the past and the future while trying to understand what became of your friend and trying to prevent a future where time is completely broken.

Sadly the story itself is far more interesting than the gameplay. The time travel powers make for pretty lacklustre combat designed to intermingle with the middling gun-play and is at its most interesting during the puzzle platforming sections.

If you can put up with the pretty repetitive and dull gameplay sections the story is quite good. I appreciate that they went all out with this and while it didn't end up going as Remedy would like the result is something completely unique that explores a multimedia game to provide an experience no other game has (for better or worse).

Reviewed on Jul 10, 2023
