Still in development and I think recently they completely rebuilt the industrial beaver race so they play differently. It's a cute game and idea but right now the balance feels a little unstable. I played a handful of times trying to keeping the beavers alive long term but without the tutorial I ended up over extending myself every time or just died out during the first summer.

The building is the best part, I love the way the city layers on itself and you create these wonderfully intricate and interwoven little societies - but there's a big focus on resource management more than anything else so you're exclusively cutting wood, collecting water, and farming crops. There's no end goal just yet and it's easy to unlock and exhaust all the available structures and tech within a few hours.

Seems like it might be alright if/when it gets finished. A lot of cute and fun ideas being played with.


A pretty bog-standard fantasy metroidvania. It was okay while I was going through it, but I lost interest so quickly. Very standard and boring combat, environment, and power ups. Not really doing anything unique or special.

What a mess. Trying to do some kind of retro video game meets Tron thing but shortly after picking up the sword I got stuck and couldn't progress? No idea where to go or what to do, no guidance, no hints.

A shame since it does look stylish, the look and retro worship was part of what pulled me in. Unfortunately seems to be style over substance, difficult to play when it was playable, and quickly became unplayable. May try again some day to give another chance.

Basically just a Hades clone. It does do some things a little differently but mostly it's just eldritch themed instead of greek themed.

It's harder than Hades, offers more customisation, and more variety of weapons but it never really stood out to me as its own product or felt rewarding to play as it's generally a harder game. Not offensive, just doesn't really have it's own voice either.

A barebones roguelite. It has a hub village which offers permanent upgrades and procedural dungeons which are very large, sparse, and repetitive. Some of the sprite artwork is very ugly, gold is scattered in such large amounts it feels like the kingdom is suffering deflation, and gameplay is very dull.

Also weird that you're so small but the south walls are so large, so half the game is obscured from sight. Despite playing for hours I've made little progress in the actual game - never gotten past area 2, but I do have plenty of permanent upgrades and a couple of classes unlocked. Maybe it's just intended to be a slow grind?

Overall this game feels very cheaply made, lazy, and unrewarding.

One of those games I thought I would come back to and play more of but just never had any motivation to return to. It's that old sim builder style game like Theme Hospital but for a space station. You clone people, send them on mission to collect resources, and use the resources to build more space station - rinse and repeat. I got kinda bored fast but part of me thought the game had some more potential I hadn't really gotten to yet.

Literally just FTL but in 3D. Very derivative, but if you're looking for more FTL there are few options and this is... okay, I guess? The 3D ship adds very little, makes it harder to see in some cases, and the map content isn't randomised.

I remember playing this when it came out on console. It was such a great encapsulation of the Space Marine aesthetic. The weight of the movement, the heft and punch of the weapons and melee were all captured in a way that hadn't really been shown before despite there being so many Warhammer games. Plus the bloody violent combat was a thrill.

In retrospect its all a bit dull and dated at this point. The ending was kinda weak, and the non-stop flow of orcs made it a bit of a yawn fest. It's a shame they never did anything else like it because it captured the feel so well and felt like it had potential to do more.

A beautiful shmup game from back in the day, simple and challenging, crazy bosses, wonderful designs. This game has always looked so stunning if only because of the wild red and white bullet patterns, but the enemy and boss designs were quintessential cyberpunk from a time when that genre hadn't really been milked to death.

As far as shooters go the gameplay is fun, switching between the two energy types keeps you thinking and adds a layer of complexity to an already challenging genre that makes it stand out as one-of-a-kind and hasn't been replicated since.

Another idle game I have 165 hours in, and can't actually remember a single thing about it. I vaguely recall it was a game I could leave on while I went to work or over night and forget about. It left zero impact and seems to be just a cash cow for D&D whales who like references.


Players run the dungeon, dead players get to control traps and monsters. Seems like it might be fun in multiplayer but the solo experience was very limited.

An interesting idea that is exactly what it says on the tin - FTL by way of Mad Max, except with lower quality pixel graphics and slow grindy automated gameplay. Highly repetitive and you can't control how anything moves. Feels like a good proof of concept prototype for a potentially better and prettier game.

It was a creative idea when it came out, the idea that any song could be turned into gameplay was neat and the rollercoaster style tracks were novel at the time. I think the reality was pretty uninspired though sadly and acted more as a proof of concept. I had more fun just listening to my music than putting it through this.

A cool idea in principle. Everyone turns their house into a dungeon with a treasure hidden inside, and then tries to rob everyone else - but it's all a bit dark and edgy. The reality is that people either half ass it or master building optimised unfun vaults. Personally I just wasn't down with the vibe it was putting out.

Never struck me as fun at the time and has only gone on to become controversial.

A cheap messy roguelite, ugly looking and unable to really capture the player. Everything on screen is a mess of pixels and numbers that's near impossible to follow. Far too much realm of the mad god and not enough anything else it claims to be inspired by. It's a grindfest and not even a fun one.