It is a very good game and a good port of the classic freeware PC game but I kinda still want the Switch version's additions in the PC version. (Played on Steam)

Pretty much 100% the game over on RetroAchievements. Great game but definitely need a remake imo, especially with that camera.

One of my favorites of all time and I STILL haven't gotten everything there is to offer in this game! (Played on PS3)

This is one of those games I wish I could play for the first time again. Only thing I can fault it on is the extremely simplistic combat to the point of being rather trivial to win in any confrontation.

The game that absolutely destroyed me when I played it for the first time.

A worthy sequel to one of my favorite games of all time, for sure, even if 1 still has a bit more charm.

The fact I ever played this at all in my youth is a testament to how I just ate anything up back then even if it was utter crap.

I was a poor soul without Mario Kart Wii for the longest time btw, this was the closest thing.

A great sequel, but definitely 10x easier than the first.

Pretty much one of the best puzzle games around and one of the best Puyo Puyo games in general. The addition of sousai does so much. (Played both Arcade and Megadrive port)

Still playing to this day, leveling up and getting new weapons. Nothing has been able to replicate this game's experience.

99% of my time with this game has been spent with the mods more than the campaign but it's still a phenomenal game nonetheless.

It's probably the best Sonic racing game SEGA has ever put out.

It's okay. I played this back in my childhood and it's a decent compilation and the NES games are based on the Rockman Complete Works versions (which are probably some of the best versions of the NES games imo) but the translations for the Navi Mode hints in those games are absolutely abysmal to the point of sometimes being overly cryptic or even having some of the advice being warped into BAD advice somehow. Mega Man 7 is missing its' credits sequence as well. While a decent collection, I'd prefer you either get the Legacy Collections if you want everything or the Rockman Complete Works series if you only desire the NES games.