1 review liked by KojimaGod

Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater is a masterpiece. It shows strength in all areas of gaming, graphics and uniqueness included. I've lost count of how many times I've beaten it. Every time I play it, I discover something new about the game play or story. It is one of those games that you can never really get tired of.
The game is close to achieving perfection with amazing graphics, terrific game play, awesome boss battles and compelling storyline with some of the fantastic cut scenes that surpass the ridiculously insane level of Rambo films and others like it. It is impossible to be moved by the ending, but this game did for me. The epic scope of the game is a clear case that sometimes playing a video game is better than going to the movies at a certain time period when there are too few good movies to see. Metal Gear Solid 3 is an incredible achievement in video gaming from the standpoint of my experience playing the game from beginning to end.

The storyline has its fair share of twists and interesting side-plots, making the game more fun to play. The way the codec system is done makes for a lot of potential suspense, and the developers didn't fail to take advantage of this. The only shaky part of the storyline is the dialogue, which usually fits, but the emotion put out by the voice actors isn't always... correct. That leads me to my next subject.
The music in the game is very well done. Though it's not the stuff you'd listen to on a long car trip (or maybe you would, who knows), it is very fitting of the situation. Like the graphic attention-to-detail, it really serves to help you feel like you are in the jungle fighting/sneaking past enemies. The ambient sounds also serve the same purpose, when you aren't getting chased by enemies the music is usually either really dim or not there, leaving only the many sounds of the jungle, and many sounds there are. Birds chirping, frogs croaking, grass rustling as hissing snakes slither through the underbrush, all of these sounds are present in Snake Eater.
Though MGS3 is really meant to be a game that excels in the area of storyline, much action is present. Boss fights are where most of it happens, but if you are frustrated about having to sneak everywhere, and you wanna go Vice City/San Andreas on someones ass, all you have to do is whip out your handy-dandy... sorry, not notebook, but AK-47. Feel free to waste away your enemies while the realistic movement of the gun and flashy effects of explosions and gunshots give you some real eye-candy. Though the game is meant to be mostly about sneaking, with some forced action involved, you can go crazy with your guns if you feel like it, and many times it is just as effective, even if it does get you a little more chewed up than sneaking does.

Hideo Kojima never ceases to amaze me, besides the fact that Snake (A.K.A Big Boss) looks amazingly like Kurt Russell from "Escape From New York" in this game, the characters look and feel more realistic than anything ever attempted with video games. Since video games where invented they have been shrugged off by the other media's as inferior and childish, I have a feeling that that time is quickly coming to an end.