I think I'm one of the few people that doesn't like this game for reasons completely unrelated to Hbomerguy. Listen, I love the man but that video is kind of... ehhhhh? I also don't hate Bethesda, like, at all! I actually enjoyed Skyrim, Fallout 4 and even Fallout 76. Fallout 3 has a lot of really good elements but its how all of these good elements connect that it drops the ball. The main story has some intriguing elements that simply end up having very unsatisfying conclusions. As my playthrough went on, I realized you could really just throw that onto the entire game. The game teases you with an interesting idea only for it to kind of just... fizzle out. Quest rewards are almost always shit. Unique weapons are really just slightly better or worse versions of the one its based on. The karma system seems really reactive until you realize its so sensitive that you will ping pong from being good to evil to good again 24/7. Megaton has this cool sheriff guy but also this dickhead Moriarity so you think, "Oh so I get to solve this problem!" Nope! You go to Paradise Falls, a place full of slavers, and for some reason freeing the slaves from the slave camp left me confused as to how it works. These are things I never even thought about while playing later Fallout titles like New Vegas. Meanwhile, while Fallout 1 and 2 could leave me confused, it was always because I wasn't thinking outside the box enough. In Fallout 3, I'd get confused only to look it up and find out its because there is just nothing in the box. The box was fake. Three Dog is the best radio station host in Fallout though and you know its true.

Reviewed on May 19, 2024
