I knew Shu Takumi wouldn't let me down. An outstanding unraveling of the many mysteries left unsolved in the first game. I am so glad this is a direct follow-up to the first game, as it get directly to the point, with no filler chapters and with an amazing pace when it comes to getting answers, and stumbling upon new mysteries. Of course, it comes without saying that the plot is, like, REALLY good. All cases, most notably the last one, are such a rollercoaster of emotions that made sure this game won't leave my mind for an eternity. I really don't want to spoil anything, just pick up Chronicles and play through the two games.

I also love how it focuses so much on character growth and development. Most characters are already met in the first game, but it's here when they really show their potential. Their experiences, their goals, and their realizations in court... it all makes them visibly change, and it makes it really easy to relate to them. The first game left me wanting to know more about the characters, and I couldn't be happier in that aspect. Even the new characters are incredibly unique and well-made, as usual from the Ace Attorney series.

I really can't say much more about Resolve without bringing up Adventures, and/or spoiling part of the plot, so I'll go straight to the point: Ace Attorney keeps being one of the best franchises I've ever been introduced to. I never imagined I could be left at the verge of tears from watching a court proceeding unfold. Just go play this game. It's true the pacing may be slow at times, but it's all worth it in the end. This is one of those games I'll be forever obsessed with, and for a reason.

Reviewed on Oct 04, 2023
