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1 day

Last played

January 17, 2021

Platforms Played


For an anime game, it is beautiful, ambitious, and made with love. The game itself is open world so it’s a lot of repetitive nonsense which I don’t usually personally enjoy. The reward for doing them was cute interactions between characters to which I felt was worth it.

Goes through the main story, no filler. Some stuff is toned down. All in all, it was neat to go through the story again.

Lots of extras which might not appeal to some people due to my first point. Mostly gathering, battles, locating dragon balls, etc.

I enjoyed my time with the game (got the Plat trophy, pretty easy to do) and if you are a DBZ fan, it’s definitely worth picking up on sale unless you’re bothered by anything I mentioned earlier. I know a non DBZ game with these quests and what not would’ve bored me to death and I recognize that haha.

One more thing is I really enjoyed the movement. Flying around, running, jumping, fighting, it all felt so good to do.

Oh and they remembered Launch.