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Time Played

6h 0m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

February 28, 2024

Platforms Played


Any criticisms for the ending of this game is often countered with "It's about the Journey not the destination" which normally is a little bit of a cop out but works so well for this because well yes!! I am not smart enough to have finished this game (Watched the ending on yt and...yeah there's literally no fucking way I would've figured all that out) so I've literally only played through the journey aspect, and it was great! This game has so much charm and feeling, so much wonder of exploring and being a lil bit scared and excited and there's just a ton of lore and love put into this.
The soundtrack especially just completely astounded me, soo atmospheric and perfect for each scenario, the opening track is one of my favorite pieces of ost from any game
Just a really neat time, regardless of if you finish or not :)