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Spent a solid 60 hours playing this. The best part of the game will always be the guns for me. The "Shooting Range" they added a while back was my favorite update.

Actual bounty hunts are really intense. Because often so little happens at first, tension builds. The bosses are trivial once you have the sticky bomb unlocked. But then the fun begins as enemy Hunters descend upon your position....there is nothing like Hunt firefights. It is immensely satisfying to kill an enemy Hunter...but more often than not I found I was the one dying unceremoniously.

The firefights are a little too much. The game is stressful to the point where I actually don't want to play it anymore. Maybe if I was better at it I would?

Also, slightly disappointed with the absurdity of some recent releases. "A quickdraw katana? In my bayou? It's more likely than you think."

Still have a lot of good memories, though. Certainly well-crafted.

This game is a different genre from the originals. Somehow it feels much slower and less “tactical”. That said, I’ve always thought that it looked good and was cool. The same cannot be said for “Doom Eternal” which I refuse to ever play.

I don’t remember how much this costs but the campaign was an appropriate size and fine to go through. Just not something I ever want to play again, while I happily revisit classic Doom levels frequently.

I am a sucker for anything Predator and while this game isn’t a masterpiece by any stretch it is probably the best Predator game we will ever get. It’s actually really fun to kill enemies as the Predator, especially once you find things like the smart disk.

The other campaigns are alright too, I guess.