Distinctly derivative of survival horrors classics like Silent Hill and Resident Evil, but without understanding what made its inspirations tick.

I could go more in depth about my issues, like the awkward detection on doors & pickups, the absurd amount of backtracking you need to do, the mediocre layout of the very samey looking facility, or the pretentious writing that was on par with an edgy teenager on fanfiction.net. But it's clear that I'm in the vast minority with this game. There's a good chance you'll like or even love it.
For what my opinion's worth though, I think you should just stick to the classics.

Reviewed on Jan 16, 2023


1 year ago

You are right! It's derivative in clear ways but in others they have their pulse on horror stuff imo. If collecting too many resources turns resi into a shooter, you'd make a game like this where playing efficiently doesn't get you the Final Ending, the inventory is just 6 slots that forces you to consume, enemies are semi-immortal etc etc. Weird! But danger doesn't leave your mind

1 year ago

I found that enemies were closer to slightly cumbersome obstacles than creators of tension. The fact they respawned and were generally easy to get around meant that I never bothered waste my time shooting most of them. But I still carried one gun on me at all times for the constant runs back and forth from the item box to get every item I could scrounge up. The 6 item limit was never a big problem in RE1. But in Signalis I found myself constantly cluttered with items after only a short trip into a new area, leaving me to turn 180 degrees back to the item box for the umpteenth time.

1 year ago

After playing it a couple of times to get different endings, I think it's really tight! Like in resi there's a certain order in the way you to pick things up players learn through experience while still allowed to pick most stuff from a room (because they are going to consume everything in the inventory soon). But when it comes to saving resources, the mentality is different because the inventory is so small, meant for people who believe the survival part of the genre is lost once they gather too many resources and the game becomes a regular shooter. Here it's just faster to consume and make room, a lot of key items are close to other rooms and doors you need to use them. You won't have enough ammo for every enemy and will need to decide the quickest option between avoiding and engaging, sometimes it's faster to run away, sometimes it's faster to shoot stuff to get through a room. You stay hungry with thoughts of respawning enemies in your mind. I think that's the thing with this game, yeah it plays almost entirely like resi but enemies being permanently dead would easy the resource saving quite a bit no? The dev probably played new horror simulation/ hide and seek stuff and whether amnesias are good or not, signalis dev might find a point in having immortal monsters always on the back of your mind through the game