A solid narrative puzzle adventure game. The characters are really the shining point of the game as they're a joy to listen to and their interactions with each other's distinct personality's are really the bright spot of this game. The graphics are stylized to be like a cartoon much like Deliver Us the Moon with a retro-futuristic style reminiscent of the 50's.
The atmosphere was also great with some very pretty views. The story started off a little weak, then picked up at the middle and the falling action and then somewhat fell off at the end. I enjoyed the game for what it was, an indie mystery puzzle game.

One of the greatest choose your own story games hands down. Great characters who you'll grow to love and appreciate. Some of the later games begin to feel lifeless and rigid whereas the characters feel like real people with their own motivations and distinct personality. That feeling of anyone could die at any time heavily adds tension to the great story. You follow Lee an escaped convict and father figure for an orphaned girl, their interactions are what makes this game for me. The game is a standard telltale game with mostly puzzle solving and qte's along with heavy story based choices, though for many games like this, the gameplay takes a backseat which I think fits well for the story they're trying to tell. The graphics are stylized to look much more faithful to the comics with cell shading and animated characters. Overall one of my favorite story-based games of all time.

A great story about family and legacy that's heavier on art then actual gameplay which I enjoy. The gameplay mostly consists of rhythm minigames but as I said the audio and visuals while the minigames are going on are some of the main draws for me. The story hits very close to home as it's about standing out from your parents and learning who you are separate from them while also appreciating and understanding where you came from.