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Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

August 16, 2021

Platforms Played


I want so so desperately to love this game. I loved Borderlands 2, the gunplay was tight and fun, and the villain was expertly written. Borderlands 2 certainly had problems with bloat but it was a great game. Borderlands 3 has some pretty big problems. For one, the gunplay remains tight and fun. Guns feel great and unique and almost always fun to use. The skill trees are interesting and change up your playstyles in interesting ways. Unfortunately this games biggest problem is the writing. Tyreen and Troy Calypso will go down in history as some of the most ANNOYING antagonists in history. Yes I know they're supposed to be annoying but it's not in an endearing way. Handsome Jack made me angry. The Calypsos make me feel dread and embarrassment. The other characters arent any better. Personalities in this game range from cardboard cutouts to incredibly annoying flanderizations of what were once well written critiques on corporatism or just genuinely funny characters. I couldn't stomach this game for more than a few hours