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1 day

Last played

July 14, 2021

Platforms Played


I'll start with the good
the battle system is unique and interesting
The art is beautiful
Unfortunately this game doesn't really have anything else going for it. The writing is abysmal (writing in rhyme doesn't make what your writing good) with your classic team of vagabonds on their way to collect the 3 magic macguffins with magic girl and her magic sword to end the darkness blah blah blah. It's all very cookie cutter and predictable. The combat feels fun and exciting until you realize that spamming the basic attack is just about as effective as any other spell or special attack. I do appreciate that buffs and debuffs break the conventional mold of damage/defense/health penalties and actually relate directly to the timeline. Plus interrupting someone is pretty fun. Outside of that the combat gets pretty stale pretty quickly which is a shame for something that had so much potential. This game is begging for deeper mechanics and equipment like item that aren't just permanent stat buffs or unexciting small percentage boosts. Exploring and puzzle solving are extremely lacking in depth with each obstacle being barely noticeable with the ability to fly and turn off hazards with the second player mechanic(it's required to use this even with only one player to it's not like I'm going out of my way to use it) puzzles all boil down to about 2 variations on the same "cast a shadow" mechanic introduced in the first level down to the final level. This game drags on too long and feels too samey. Barely worth checking out, there are so many other better RPGs our there