Mini Ninjas is one of the most endearing games I've ever played in my entire life, and I can't for the life of me explain why it has an average rating on 2.9 here. Such a fun and soothing experience, this game is.

Strolling around through these gorgeous environments, hearing the little steps of your character, listening to the winds and the calming music, before plunging yourself into battles that feel genuinely epic is a great experience, again, thanks to all the music. Honestly, the score and general sound design might be one of my favourite parts of Mini Ninjas. They do a lot of heavy lifting in elevating the fairly shallow combat and giving power to moments like crossing a raging river, or fighting a squad of goons in the mountains.

Another thing I liked about this game is just how hecking cute it is. All your ninjas have their own quirks both in control and in visuals (i especially liked the tiger boy), and all the animals are animated wonderfully. But cute is not all that Mini Ninjas has: some parts are genuinely creepy or intimidating. The bosses are real scary, especially as I was playing the game at 10 y/o. The cemetary level is still chilling and eerie, too. And in general, this game is full of emotions. Really worth checking it out.

Reviewed on May 10, 2021
