3 on 3 combat is too difficult to keep track of.

Another open-world game that starts off strong but ends up being too bloated. By the final area, I just ran past all the side quests and rushed to finish the game.

Great combat, good characters, an okay story. Overall good, but bogged down by repetition.

Lost interest quick with this one. Not a fan of making me replay the same bits over and over again just to try and get a little bit further in the story.

Fun, but the AC formula became stale here. One of the best parts of the AC games for me is taking part in historical events. That was so poorly implemented I didn't even know the revolution had started until I stumbled on an execution.

Terrible to call this cash grab a full Elder Scrolls experience.

Another brilliantly done Ratchet & Clank game. Not much else to say here. If you enjoy over the top gameplay, crazy weapons, and fun writing, these games are for you.

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The gameplay is tight and the new vaulthunters are fun to play around with. That said, the writing (which was my favorite part of BL2) sucks and they tried to shove an insert character down our throats. My purchase of BL4 heavily depends on how much they push Ava on us.

Very good, and goes deeper into the story than you'd expect for a game about shooting cyborg Nazis.

Combat is good, but I play these games for the characters and story, and both of them were dollar store cookie cutters.

Lackluster single player campaign. Don't care for online shooters.

Loved the remake of 1, but this was my first time every playing FF2. FF2 is by far the worse FF game out there. There is nothing good about the game at all.

Such an amazing game. Loved the characters, the story, the gameplay, all of it. It doesn't get full 5 stars though because it did have framerate issues on my PS3 and it crashed from time to time.

Breathed new life into a dead series. Loved every minute of this game even when I was swearing out some of the harder enemies.

This game is not good. Badly designed levels, horrible difficulty spikes, and uninspired boss fights that are difficult for the sake of being difficult. Easily the worst game in the series.