This game instantly validated my purchase of the Nintendo Switch upon announcement.

MHW is a solid first entry in the Monster Hunter series for newcomers, but as a veteran I found myself not going back to it as much as the other games.
It cuts out a load of tedious busywork, but has a very low difficulty floor, the "beginner's tools" used to ease the load off later becoming essentially mandatory for the hardest hunts in the game - something that I personally dislike, but I can see others enjoying. The story unfortunately isn't very good, with unskippable cutscenes that bog down the first time experience - but it's Monster Hunter so the majority of your playtime will be post-story.

Wish I played this game sooner! Wonderful little game with a solid story told through the gameplay loop itself, with visually distinct presentation and a fantastic soundtrack that syncs up with the action, almost like a playable music album - it promises little and delivers more than you'd initially expect, I still keep having new realizations about the nature of the story and the implications of certain things to this day!

Not the "best" STG, but it's an STG full of heart.

Sonic Forces sucks so much it killed me. I am dead, but my soul still screams in anguish and horror.
Please take me off life support and let me die peacefully.

Sonic Frontiers is okay. It's fun, and it has some great ideas behind it but it isn't perfect in any way. I'd love a game with better controls (it can be fiddly at times) and more complex levels - the open zones are too basic and the Cyberspace stages are all reused from past titles without much variety or imagination. But as far as Sonic games go this one's pretty decent; there have been worse outings than this, although you might want to wait for an eventual sale.