How is this game not more popular? I think it kicks the shit outta zelda 1

Played fan translation on 3DS. Incredible entry in the series, such a shame it took them so long to localize it to the west

I cannot express how much I want to play this whole game series top to bottom

Just as good if not better than chapter 1. Toby fox has the world's highest functioning autism and it gives him magic writing powers

I love racing games where you have wings for gliding. Only other example that comes to mind is Rush 2049

This is an RPG where instead of a turn-based battle system or an ATB system or a bullet hell battle system, it's a minecraft system


This game fucks harder than power tools


Eyy the memories come flooding back

I thought I remembered the final boss having insanely long hair

The first real RPG I've ever beaten

I wonder if Matt can make bad games

Perfect turn-based battle system if you don't count SMT 4 Apocalypse

Love FFXIV. A Realm Reborn is insanely tedious and uneventful, and there's nothing all that fun about it. I played this game until level 30 and gave up because it was so fucking boring. It wasn't until much later (and with encouragement from a pretty girl) that I broke through the shit-barrier and enjoyed the rest of the game.