72 reviews liked by LEGO_Shadow

One of the single greatest disappointments of my childhood was how not fun this game was.

Dated as all hell and a nightmare to play if you haven't got a history with the series and don't know how to cheat the CPU, but It's fun. REALLY fun.

i spent like 7 minutes aimlessly shooting at fish and dying before i realized u can swim down to the next screen, the game got a lot more fun after that

(Atari 50 got updated)
I had an atari flashback growing up, and for some reason this game has elicited the most memories of playing it as a kid out of everything in Atari 50

i want to know the full story





24 years left 😱😱😱😱😱

This is my favorite Pokemon game.

Dawg, I have no clue why this is better than the majority of Pokemon games