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Added and corrected. 2021/10/11
The quoted part of the lesson has been added and corrected without omission. And added 'on military song'. 2022/02/27

A small miracle by a small company in Kumamoto, Kyushu.
"Where is Kyushu? Oh, on the edge of Japan. Very rural."
Shut up!
The name of the miracle is Gunparade March.

Desperate war situation. Student soldiers. Militaries. Robots. Simulation.
This is a highly recommended game for those who like this kind of word.

A game so geeky it's almost forgotten, but this one is really important.
Without the Gunparade March, there would have been no Muv-Luv, and without Muv-Luv, there would have been no Attack on Titan. Does this help you to understand the importance of the matter?
Oh yes, and by the way, the 13 sentinels.

It may seem old-fashioned and inconvenient to play now. But even with all those negatives, Gunparade March had more than enough sparkle and ambition.

There are 22 controllable student characters. Three complete NPCs and a cat.
These 25 people and one cat will move around the school, which has become a garrison, using AI control to think independently, and will study, train and work every day. If you get to know each character, you can even fall in love with them, and they will teach you tactical commands that will help you in battle and wisdom that you can use in everyday life.
The field you can go to is not wide. But the relationships between these 25 people are deep.

The number of active days in the game is about two months. During these two months, as a new soldier, you will be fighting against monstrous enemies called Phantom Beasts.
If you fight hard and get results, the front will advance and your troops will be better supplied. In return, you'll be sent to more and more battlefields, and the fighting will get more intense... (Naturally, the longer you lose, the worse your supply gets.)
It is up to you to decide how this game world will end.

I was also impressed by the great enthusiasm of the text.
I will close this review with some English translations of some of the texts.

The first lesson after the start of the game.

The first lesson after the start of the game.
*Teacher: "Lesson one.
Don't be late. In the army, timing is everything. If you're late, you'll never be able to coordinate your forces. They will be destroyed individually.
If a hundred men come at you at once, you can't defeat them alone.
But if each of those 100 men comes in five minutes late, you, alone, can do quite well.
It's not one against one hundred, it's one to one a hundred times.
That's what I'm talking about. So don't be late.
I'm not saying don't be late without reason, like in a bad school.
You and your friends' lives depend on it.
Civilian teachers just can't understand this.
...OK, that's it, orientation over.
Now it's time for class. You don't have to take notes.
Make sure you remember what I say.
You won't have time to read your notes on the battlefield.
Now, students.
Kaka, that's not like me. Hey, samurai.
You're samurai.
You take up arms and fight to defend this country.
In other countries, we call them soldiers. In this country, we have a better name for it.
I don't know if you wanted to be a soldier, or if you didn't want to be a soldier, but you were drafted, or if you replaced your brother.
But you're samurai.
That's why you came here without refusing to be drafted.
You are not samurai because of your ability.
At least, not in this day and age.
The heart that takes up arms for someone else is samurai.
Now, Kumamoto has always been a fine soldier, from the time when this country was westernized, it has sent out the strongest divisions along with Tohoku for generations.
You are their youngest brothers.
You should be proud of yourselves. You should be proud that you are the descendants of the strongest soldiers.
Protagonist: "Sir, I'm(Boku) not from Kumamoto."
Teacher: "If you're a tanker, don't refer to yourself as 'I/僕/Boku'. If you are dealing with a superior, you must say 'Myself/自分/Jibun'.
So, you're not from Kumamoto? Hmmm.
I've been thinking about it since yesterday...
Well, okay. I'm not just talking about your hometown.
I want you to have confidence in yourselves.
Lesson 2.
A strong human on the battlefield is, in short, a human who knows how to use itself.
You've got to have confidence in yourself to use yourself.
Otherwise, you can't use yourself to your full potential, can you?
If guy and bitch aren't sure of yourself, in a pinch you'll abandon your friends and run away. Without demonstrating his ability.
That's why we give new and student soldier confidence and pride for now.
We are brave, we are the last shield that protects this country, the tip of the sword of this country.
They said there was nothing more behind them.
It is weak, but it is always the last thing on your mind when you plunge your feet into a pool of blood, go under a storm of shells and trample the corpses of your brothers-in-arms.
In any army, there is one thing that you ultimately trust. It's people and their loyalty.
When the economy collapses, when the weapons are destroyed, when the enemy is strong, when we are about to lose, I know, what I can trust.
It's not wads of cash, it's not weapons.
In times of trouble, it's the heart that ultimately comes to the rescue. The heart is the only thing that will not betray a good memory.
It's the same for individuals and for countries.
It is the good memories of each and every one of you, of this country, that the army will turn to at the last moment.
If they are not good, this country will perish.
If you have a few good memories, you will attract samurai. Young samurai who will protect this country.”*

The heroine's(The official description is Hero.) words after the above text.
*"Do you know what that is? That kind of lesson is called mind control.
...It's the government's elaborate job.
...Well, all right."*

Likewise, The heroine's words in the game's most intense battle.
*"For us in Shibamura, this battlefield is like home. We were born in the battle and we die in the battle.
I don't like it, but it's hometown.
It's our hometown, where our hearts are warmed.
We have found friends, lovers and trust here.
The path we choose is the path of battle. There is a pride that we must defend in battle and in death.
For the sake of all, we will fight in the front row."*

This is a line from a boss who doesn't get much screen time but has a strong presence.
”I don't like to waste soldiers. People should die more efficiently."

On military songs. An extra-curricular lesson by another teacher.
*Teacher: "...In times of distress, sing a song.
Singing is the only sacred and unspoken right of a soldier whose profession is to kill each other on command.
You can sing even if your hands are cut off or blocked. Officer can't tell you not to sing.
Because he sings too.
In times of distress, in times of sorrow, in times when you need to lift yourself up, the only thing that can help you is singing.
It's the Gunparade March.
'...A thousand million of you and me, we'll beat that fate. Let's sing a march for the future of someone somewhere. Yes, the future will always be with this march.'
Take up a gun for someone else's future.
Because if there is any meaning to this stupid war, it is that."*

It's a very quirky game, but I highly recommend it.