I'm leaving this review having only done one ending (Ending A) and the Easy difficult.

This game is really something else. The intro and early game is soaked through with incredible vibes. I think the mid and late game suffer (at least for me on easy) where I got so powerful that nothing felt particularly threatening and I was able to fundamentally clean most areas of any threats, but I can't knock the game here because I was playing on the lower than intended difficulty setting. The experience overall to be found though is chilling. My first couple attempts ended in failure, but that feeling of making my way into the city, being surrounded by horrors I didn't understand and fighting tooth and nail for every inch felt so raw and visceral.

There's so many little microdecisions you make in this game without even realizing it. The day system especially (though again kind of spoiled on easy by it's abundance of available free saves) is incredibly well thought out. The way the characters move around and the world state changing is incredible. I don't want to get too much into spoilers, but the things that happen to the characters are so cool and interesting.

I probably won't dive into another playthrough immediately, but I'm definitely very interested in exploring another character (I played Marina) and seeing how things shift and change.

Reviewed on Oct 28, 2023
