Another one of my questionable "hey, it's on sale for $5" eShop buys from about a year ago. I'm not a big fan of point-and-click games to begin with, and virtually everything about this one got on my nerves. The clunky inventory system. The font. The character speech noises. The time limit that forces each day to end. The way everything the antagonist says is in all caps and full of typos like a Tumblr post. Most of all, the visuals.

In this game, your character cannot speak, and you must nod to say yes or shake your head to say no using the left stick when talking to characters. Alba: A Wildlife Adventure has a similar mechanic, and I thought it was very cute in that game. Alba gives you as much time as you need to nod or shake, it is in the third person, and it doesn't happen very often. In this game, characters get annoyed if you don't answer fast enough (and the game sometimes doesn't register your input), it's in the first person, and it happens constantly.

Needing to do this all the time alone is dizzying, but it combines with all the other visual nonsense in the game (chromatic aberration, tiny FOV, random stuff popping up on the screen, your vision turning dark and wobbly towards the end of the day) to make a nauseating experience. The whole thing reminds me of waking up in the middle of the night with a bad fever and trying to walk to the bathroom.

Reviewed on May 19, 2024

1 Comment

28 days ago

I can't say I agree on a lot of your points, but as someone who played on PC, I can very easily see how the main conversation mechanic would not translate well to a controller.