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i began my life on the station in a garbage dump. i had nothing to my name, my body was quite literally falling apart, and the only thing that kept me alive was a little kindness from a stranger.

over the following weeks, i got my bearings, and started working on various quests—but on the side, i started fixing up an abandoned apartment. just a bit here and there when i could afford to take the time.

then i finally finished it and made it liveable. i had a home. the first night, a cat showed up. i fed it and it purred. i was reasonably financially stable for the first time, i could afford the drugs that kept me alive, i had a bed to sleep in, and a pet cat who liked me. the next morning, i went to my local noodle shop and the chef made me my favorite meal.

i felt a very real wave of contentment wash over me. it felt like i had actually built a life for myself.

Reviewed on Oct 04, 2023
