genuinely one of the funniest pieces of interactive software one can witness. Hong Kong 97 was made in two days by two video game pirates in 1995 and you can tell because as a game it's barely functional, and everything about it is complete and utter madness. to the 6 seconds loop of I Love Beijing Tiananmen to the explosion sprites being photos of a mushroom cloud, to the game over screen being a real life dead body, to the objective of killing the 1.2 billion of "ugly fucking reds" and their super weapon being the floating severed head of a deceased Deng Xiaoping, who was alive when the game was made but died in 1997, this is a game that only could've been made by shitposters wanting to take the piss out of the Chinese government and I absolutely love it.

Reviewed on Mar 11, 2024

1 Comment

we should start using the phrase "interactive software" to insult bad games.