This is a masterpiece that takes what was established in it's 2018 predecessor and refines and adds more to everything. It took about 30 hours for me to compete with a good amount of side quests done.

The story for this is more epic in scope with a much larger cast. It's to the point where I wasn't sure they'd properly develop them all but aside from a couple very minor characters they nailed it. The performances by the voice actors are phenomenal and there were a few instances their performances, combined with the great writing, got me genuinely emotional. Most importantly they manage to stick the landing for the ending. Too often has a underwhelming or outright bad ending overshadowed the otherwise good parts of a multi game story so it deserves praise.

Combat has been refined. It does not feel radically different but there's new abilities for the returning weapon that do make it all "feel" better after having played 2018 only a few weeks prior to this. For example the new triangle moves add additional attack options which is welcome.

Ragnarok also addresses one of my biggest issues with 2018, the lack of boss variety. Won't go in depth on this as not to spoil anything but there's a good amount of bosses in the main story and off the top of my head I can only think of one instance where you fight another version of a boss you fought earlier in it unlike all those trolls in 2018. You will notice them repeat main story bosses in some side quests though but that's forgivable.

There's some other things of high praise I want to say but I'll save them as they shouldn't be spoiled. Some of those things are actually the main reasons I like this more then 2018. Do yourself a favor and go in as blind as possible from this point.

Reviewed on Nov 16, 2022
