Why this combo works, I can't say, but man, does it ever work. Tactical strategy games are a genre that typically aims away from the casual accessibility and appeal of Mario, but here, they combine to spectacular effect.

The gameplay, while lacking the depth of other similar titles like Fire Emblem or XCOM, nevertheless achieves the same type of high from strategizing and executing on that strategy, with several fun scenarios that test the player's knowledge of the systems at play. There is a depth here, I just wish the game would explore that depth further than it does.

There isn't much of a story here, but the characters, in their brief moments of interaction, are funny and solicit a chuckle at times, which is enough to keep the game engaging throughout. Overall, it's very much "baby's first tactical strategy game", but that does not mean it isn't a really fun time to play through. New players and veterans alike can find enjoyment here.

Reviewed on Jan 04, 2024
