Like FTL before it, Into the Breach is a punishing, yet enjoyable roguelike, though it leans more towards a strategy game than a roguelike in it's gameplay and overall systems. The game features randomness and routing choices typical of a roguelike, but the moment to moment gameplay is much more about your ability to strategize and plan out the individual fights than building power.

This game is a really solid pick-up-and-play puzzle game at its core, though naturally you can take more time on it to really optimize your strategy and learn the mechanics. For me though, it's like playing sudoku...with mechs. Can't think of a better description than that right there.

The variety in mechs you can use, and how each team will have their own entirely unique playstyle is amazing, and offers a solid amount of replayability as you try and master each one, beating tougher and tougher runs on increasing difficulties. Enemy variety is also great, forcing you to plan ahead for the enemy types you will encounter and preparing yourself to handle them.

The biggest fault of the game to me is how sometime it can just feel unfair with how the enemy spawns can just absolutely wreck your plan in a fight, with no way for you to react. The enemy AI can be tough to plan around, and while there may be ways to mitigate RNG messing with you, he game is forward with that information, leading to frustration quite often when playing casually. The other problem is the relative lack of variety from run to run. The upgrades to your mechs are static for that mech, with the weapons being offered to you coming few and far between, and sometimes being too niche for your purposes. It just feels bad only getting 2 weapons in a whole run, and both end up being useless.

Overall, it's a fun game that asks you to really think through your turns in combat, as well as choosing your routes carefully to maximize reward and minimize risk, there's just a bit too much unfortunate RNG that gets in the way and can take you from a fun, casual run, to disaster with one wrong spawn. Worth the time to play, and for those who want to really test themselves, there is strategic depth to be found here.

I also played it on my Android phone, and it runs/plays wonderfully. The turn-based combat works well on a mobile device.

Reviewed on Jan 05, 2024
